
Displaying 10481 - 10490 of 10538
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… be buried in his parish church of S. Sepulchre without Newgate. Bequests for maintenance of fabric of the said …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting
… also shops in the parish of S. Sepulchre without Newgate in the lane called "Wendegayneslane," and elsewhere, …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… in certain tenements in the parish of S. Sepulchre without Newgate, and a moiety of beds, vessels, and other domestic …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting
… various orders of friars; hospitals and prisoners in gaol; and the nuns of Killebourne, Chesthunte, Clerkenewell, …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… tenements, &c., in the parishes of S. Sepulchre without Newgate and S. Martin next Ludgate, formerly limited to … with gardens, &c., in the parish of S. Sepulchre without Newgate, to hold to their own proper use and behoof for ever. … 1884, vol. iv. pp. 134, 135). 1 "Then is the White Lion, a gaol so called, for that the same was a common hosterie for …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… perpetual vicar of the church of S. Sepulchre without Newgate, and churchwardens of the same and their successors, …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting
… cordwainer.Tenements in the parish of S. Sepulchre without Newgate to be sold for the maintenance of two chantries in … "Ouen," and "Ewin." The parish church was situate within Newgate, near Old Dean's Lane (now Warwick Lane) and the …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… chancel of S. John in the church of S. Sepulchre without Newgate, to which church and ministers thereof he leaves … London.To be buried in the church of S. Sepulchre without Newgate. Bequests to the said church and ministers thereof; … near le Stokkes. Further bequests to the prisoners in Newgate, the sisters of the Hospital of S. James near …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… of S. Michael in Bassyngeshawe, S. Sepulchre without Newgate, and S. Botolph without Bisshopesgate, to hold for …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… Tannersseld in the parish of S. Mary le Bow, and without Newgate in the parish of S. Sepulchre, to remain to Simon his …
Displaying 10481 - 10490 of 10538