
Displaying 41 - 50 of 33183
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Thomas le Waleis, and his men of the hamlet of Hogeston, co. Buckingham, which he holds at farm of Alice de Brion' for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the gaol of E. archbishop of Canterbury, of Otteford, co. Kent, at Lewes, on Monday after Mid-Lent of Hawise de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… The king has received William son of Richard the Norman ( Normannum) into his grace, peace and benevolence, … and Robert de Pavily touching the manor of Suleby, co. Northampton, which Robert let to Geoffrey at farm with …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… their lives are despaired of, has sent Master Simon le Norman and John Gubaud, his marshal, to enquire touching the … de Lexinton and his fellows ought to meet at Covintre, co. Warwick, and in all other counties following there were …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Derham, John de Rumeseye and Stephen de Burthon and their co-executors of the will of R. sometime bishop of Durham, and … abbey. Grant to William de Mastac of the manors of Wycham, co. Suffolk, and Schorestan, co. Wilts, during the minority of the heir of Richard de Harecurt, a Norman; on this condition, that the king will assign to him …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… has committed to her the manors of Writel and Hathfeld, co. Essex, in tenancy, until an extent of her purparty be … the king has committed to them the manors of Bremesgrave, co. Worcester, Bolesovre with the castle, co. Derby, Mamesfeld with the soke, co. Nottingham, …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… John Constable of Catfoss, Sigglesthorne in Holderness, co. York, esq v Christopher Constable of Hatfield in Holderness, co. York, esq June 1639 - December 1640 The parish church at … Christopher Constable and Ralph Pudsey [of Stapleton, co. York, gent]. Summary of proceedings Dr Eden and Dr Exton …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… pleasure, to John le Maunsell of the manor of Preston, co. Sussex, at farm, which Humphrey de Millers held, for 15 …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Boheles, for his good service, of the manor of Wykeham, co. Suffolk, which William de Comandas held de ballio nostro. … house of the Knights Templars, London, which Master Simon Norman deposited there, with certain things in it, and grant … until the king give back to him the manor of Neuton, co. Kent, which Hubert de Burgo, earl of Kent, holds, to hold …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Eudo the king's brother, belonging to the honor of Relegh, co. Essex; to hold to him and his heirs begotten of his wife, … ( de Monasterio Villari) the manor of Waddon, co. Dorset. Witnesses: William Lungespeye, John son of …
Displaying 41 - 50 of 33183