
Displaying 381 - 390 of 391
William and Mary, 1694: An Act for granting to theire Majesties severall Rates and Duties upon Tunnage of Shipps and Vessells and upon Beere Ale and other Liquors for secureing certaine Recompenses and Advantages in the said Act mentioned to such Persons as shall voluntarily advance the summe of [£1,500,000] towards the carrying on the Warr against France:- [Chapter XX. Rot. Parl. pt. 4. nu. 3.]
Statutes of the Realm
William III, 1696-7: An Act for laying a Duty upon Leather for the Terme of Three Yeares and making other Provision for answering the Deficiences as well of the late Duties upon Coals & Culme as for paying the Annuities upon the Lottery and for Lives charged on the Tunage of Ships and the Duties upon Salt. [Chapter XXI. Rot. Parl. 8 & 9 Gul. III. p. 6. nu. 1.]
Statutes of the Realm
The medieval records of a London City church
Displaying 381 - 390 of 391