
Displaying 3761 - 3770 of 83605
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… all papists out of that Island, and to prevent others from coming there. For it recites that several papists are … to Quakers, and a provisoe that conformity shall deliver from the penalties of the Act. Agst. the approving the said … keep such out of all offices and out of the Assembly, and from being Guardians to children etc. But I am of opinion it …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… laying a duty of 20s. pr. head upon negroes exported from that Island, and Representation of Jan. 3, 1718. The Act … Plantations, what effect it may have in deterring men from it I cannot tell, no vessels ever did clear for these … would have it. At the same time (and all by the last post from Boston) I receiv'd one from your Secretary, with Mr. …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Smart could offer upon that head, whereupon he sailed from Lewisbourgh to Cape Canso where he lay four days at … one company of Colo. Philipps's Regiment may be detach'd from Placentia to the Bahama Islands for the security of a … to offer to surrender themselves and embrace H.M. gracious pardon, and the time being so far elapsed, I would if I could …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… I have lost no time or oppertunity that was in my power from the moment I recieved my Instructions, of repairing to … I should have orders, to move three companys, forthwith from Placentia, which are not wanted there, the remaining … this is the time to take care of them. The French from Cape Breton have continued theire fishing last season at …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… and spleen. ( v. 3rd Feb.) Total, 4, 411. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Thos. Tryon), Read 20th Jan., 1719/20. p. [ C.O. 28, … to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Having received from a person on whose intelligence I very much rely an … following for their consideration and report, as also "from the same hand an account of great discontents in South …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… defeat endeavours that might be undertaken to recover it from its present confusion and make it a considerable revenue … Raymond, Attorney General. Encloses extracts of letter from Govr. Shute, 1st June, and of the Charter relating to … Kingdom Navall Stores, and other comoditys, now brought in from forreign parts, which would be a great encouragment to …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Enumerates his services in originating packet-service from Falmouth to Portugal and Spain etc., and repeats request … for further encouraging the importation of Naval Stores from the Plantations, pass as it now stands, it will defeat … of trespasses in the woods of America to 2 or 300 miles from the sea, the extent of some of the provinces named in …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… Privy Council. Representation upon pirates' petition for pardon, ( v. 9th Nov., 1722). Quote West India merchants, 7th … pleas'd to issue his Royal Proclamation for their pardon. Upon this occasion however, we think it proper to … up the property of any persons goods piratically taken from him, yet there is no doubt but that H.M., if he is so …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… (vii) No complaint. (viii) The by-boat keepers hiers room from the inhabitants for making their fish. (ix) The by-boat … but very little, they have most of their provission from Ireland and America. (xx) The inhabitants are supplied with tackle, cloathing etc. from Great Britain and not otherwise. (xxi) They allow their …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… etc. Signed, Micajah Perry and 14 others. Endorsed, Reed, (from Mr. Perry), Read 19th Jan., 1724. 1 large p. [C.O. 5, … Com missioners of the Treasury. Enclose Office accounts from Midsummer to Christmas, 1723. There was then 9 months … in promoting the Canada Expedition etc. Was superseded from the Government of Annapolis Royal only for his zeal to …
Displaying 3761 - 3770 of 83605