
Displaying 12331 - 12340 of 48037
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… Captain Hayles, Thomas Smyth, Marcus Lynch Fitznicholas, Peter Lynch, and James Darsie, aldermen, the 4 th of October, …
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… Rose of Bristol, John Daniel master. " George of Newport, Peter Reve master. " Thomas of London, Richard Ranolds …
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… merchant 70 0 0 Hugh Peard, of Bristol, grocer 105 0 0 Peter Dermott, of Dublin, apothecary 100 0 0 Peter Dermott, apothecary 400 0 0 Thomas Allen, of London, …
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… to Secretary Cecil. [1 Aug.] From my house in Mugwell Street. Mr. Lake and I have made a perfect estimate of the …
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… got out of it by saying that he had other business to do. Peter Hooper of Duncannon, gunner, sworn, says: Was present … Brockett, jun. was very anxious to learn Triggle's skill. Peter Hooper, gunner of the fort, was very inward with Sir … and aged 57. Sworn, he says: On Saturday, 5 March last, Peter Hooper and John Brockett [ jun.] came to deponent and …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… l. to pay at usance, as the exchange goes in Lombard Street, which they cannot well refuse; and as it is at 23 s. …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… by the 25th of May, as the exchange goes in Lombard Street, which they cannot refuse. Trusts ere this Cecil has … as he has no man else to do his business and keep Lombard Street. Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 4. April 18. R. …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… for the 25,000 l., as the exchange passes in Lombard Street, which he would were paid whatever happens, for the …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… the following names: My Lord Admiral, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Peter, Mr. Mason, Mr. Wotton, Mr. Hadden. Seilicet, Min, …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… French King, he having fled to England for religion. Sir Peter Mewtas was his harbinger and host when London was …
Displaying 12331 - 12340 of 48037