
Displaying 11 - 20 of 59801
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Essex
… Report ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE ANCIENT AND HISTORICAL MONUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTIONS OF ENGLAND. REPORT. TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. 1. May it please Your … untouched, with interesting fittings. ConditionFairly good, some window tracery weathered. 11. BRIGHTLINGSEA. (3) …
Survey of London
… South Kensington' and the Science and Art Department CHAPTER V - 'South Kensington' … the latter's time. Cunliffe-Owen's younger brother (Sir) Philip was Cole's deputy general superintendent of the South … previous galleries at the museum he at least turned to good account his observations on visits to Paris in 1855: the
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… Arundel and Maltravers 'George Middlemore of Hasilwell in the county of Worcester verie disgracefullie in the presence of severall persons (without any offence given … the stayre, with many other opprobrious tearmes (as by good proof will appear to your lordship). Petitioned that …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… of Minster Lovell, co. Oxford July 1637 - February 1639 The parsonage house at Minster Lovell which Henry Chaloner … from Edward Heylin in 1637 (Photograph: Richard Cust) The notary's mark of Humphrey Jones on the depositions taken from Chaloner's witnesses in January …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… Bath in 1610. William King's witnesses were examined at the Three Tuns Inn there in March 1638 (From, John Speed, Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain (1611)) Thomas Johnson’s 1675 drawing of the King’s Bath, with the rear of the Three Tuns Inn where …
10th April 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… 10 APRIL 1624 SATURDAY, 10 APRIL 1624 I. JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, PA, HC/CL/JO/1/13 [CJ 761; f. 124v] … 10 Aprilis, post meridiem L. 1. An act for naturalizing of Philip Jacobson of London, merchant. L. 2. An act for the … stand on continuance are adjudged and shall stand in as good force as they were in 7 0 of the King. Mr. Speaker goes …
10th March 1624
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… 10 MARCH 1624 WEDNESDAY, 10 MARCH 1624 I. JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, PA, HC/CL/JO/1/12 [CJ 681; f. 32] … ELIOT. That as informed, these lands are entailed upon the crown. Committed to: Sir Robert Phelips Mr. [William] … [ sic] Steward returned and they think his election good. The exceptions against him because a Scotchman and not …
Proceedings in Parliament 1624
… MONDAY, 10 MAY 1624 MONDAY, 10 MAY 1624 I. JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, PA, HC/CL/JO/1/14 [CJ 702; f. 34v] … ordnance. And to be read again tomorrow. Motion made about the great want of powder within the kingdom. This by Mr. … so great a frame be out of time, it will not be reduced in good temper easily. Trade cannot enlarge without government. …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… from Heskett, which he had been forced to disprove at the quarter sessions. He claimed that Heskett had been fined £500 by the Duchy of Lancaster court, but had refused to make any … hath both by slanderous defamations impaired his good name, and upon mere spleene indited your petitioner and …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… of White Hill, co. Durham, esq v Thomas Tunstall of the city of Durham, mercer February 1638 - February 1639 … Tunstall, a local mercer (From, John Speed, Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain (1611)) Abstract Claxton, the … Court Military. 'Mr Dethick, these wordes I conceive yield good cause of action in my L. Marshall's court and are fitt …
Displaying 11 - 20 of 59801