
Displaying 1801 - 1810 of 1910
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… to the archbishop of Canterbury and the other to the king's Secretary, giving account of what took place in the fleet, … of 300 French musketeers. A few days later Captain Jacques Pierre arrived here. They met in the church of S. Marco. Jacques Pierre endeavoured to persuade Moncassino to take part in a …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… garrison. The Lower House agreed at once although Fairfax's object is known to be the weakening of the city and to pave … 40. Advices from London, the 3rd October, 1647. The king's reply to the proposals is interpreted by parliament as a … city against the army. Commons Journals, Vol. V, p. 315. Pierre de Bellievre, Sieur de Grignon was left in charge. …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… Venetian Archives. 4. That the document of Captain Jacques Pierre (Giques Pierre), ostensibly written on the 30th August last, and … and therefore he is greatly troubled. To punish the man's temerity he has sent him to the Tower of London, where the …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… republic without scandal or offence. This is not in Lormes's paper, but must be insisted upon; if any refuse they cannot … some articles about ecclesiastical matters at the king's request, against the wishes of a good part of the leading … He proposed to allow himself to be taken by Jacques Pierre with two or three ships. With these prizes that rascal …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… Doge and Senate. The letter found in the coat of the queen's groom was from the Marquis of Mirabel, acknowledging the … in England, to the Doge and Senate. The Prince Palatine's agent, fresh from the Court, called upon me the day before … See No. 271 at page 249 above and note. The groom was Pierre de la Porte, who was arrested on the 12th August. The …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… of this crown, because such a decision on Bouninghen's part, whenever it happened, would infer that the Provinces … Friselandt, carrying 220 men and fifty guns, and which had Pierre Cloesen as commander. The Antelope took Les Sept … 1665. [ Italian.] Armand de Gramont, comte de Guiche. Pierre de Bonsy, bishop of Bziers, sent from Venice as …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… 7April 30, 1707 17067 Jan. 1. Paper entitled A year's gifts, 1706/7, apparently sums presented from different … Navy. Enclosing an abstract, received from D r Davenant's office, of the importations. Dated 7 Jan. 1706. Also the … a stationery bill. 4 pages. April 19. 96. Letter signed Pierre Duval to Monsieur Poultney in favour of a poor widow …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… 1. An estimate of the charge of the office of her Majesty's ordnance for the year 1709. 1 page. [After Jan. 1.] 2 & 3. … Major and Quartermaster-General of her Majesty's army, was qualified to treat with John Hudson and Theodore … Jan. 4. 5. Similar copy of conditions entered into with Pierre Panguert and M. Robyns for forage for 21 squadrons, as …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… to report. [ I. 77, p. 306.] Aug. 1. Council. Day's Proceedings. 1. Lambert's report from the Committee on the new college at Durham, of … taken at sea by the Ostenders [ Dutch]. With request by Pierre de la Bistrate to Lord Conway to pay the amount, being …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… 2 September 1649 September Sept. 1. Council of State. Day's Proceedings. 1. The business concerning the Holland ship of … and 1 Sept. 1649. [1 page.] Sept. 3. Council of State. Day's Proceedings. 2. Col. Berkstead to send up the demi-culverin … of the soldiers to their officers. 10. 40 l. to be paid to Pierre Blondeau, who came out of France concerning the …
Displaying 1801 - 1810 of 1910