
Displaying 31 - 40 of 25407
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of Lincoln. Vacated because otherwise in the Fine Roll at the beginning of the month of February, 11 Edward I. … of Maclesfeud, to see that the king's services are duly performed and the king's peace kept, in return for which the … de Dune, recently elected mayor of Winchester, who has performed the customary fealty. Oct. 1. Acton Burnell. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… who broke the house of the earl of Gloucester and Hertford at Rowell, co. Northampton, while he was under the king's … touching the persons who broke the park of Hugh Poynz at Tokynton, co. Gloucester, hunted therein and carried away … killed William de Wahull, parson of the church of Wahull, at Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, and their receivers. 1284 …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Robert Glaswen and Richard son of Wymarca assaulted him at Hugheldref in the march of Wales, carried away his goods and imprisoned William Talpeny, his servant, at Caws ; the jury of inquest to be of the town of Hugheldref … justices, on complaint by Robert de Grey that his park at Retherfeld, co. Oxford, was broken by night and deer …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… and Angrum in the same town, two acres of land at Kerebidam, the mills of Harewod and Hetherik, with the … and convent and their men from passage and other customs at the port of Dover and other ports. [ Fdera.] Dec. 1. … after his death to the monastery of Fontevraud, was, at the request of the abbess, delivered to her for burial …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of Scotland and those in their train coming to the king at Norham to treat touching the business of Scotland. … trespasses of William de Monte Canisio, of Edwardeston, at the yearly rent of 8 l. 15 s. 1 d., its extent. Mandate to … by him in chief, and which he acknowledged to the king at Norham, 19 Edward I., having come there by the king's …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… for life, to Walter le Page her whole land of Hobenye, at the rent of half a mark of silver yearly; and granted that … recovered seisin thereof by judgment in the king's court at Westminster before Ralph de Ivingho and his fellows, … of Haneberge, escheated to her from Hugh Brun an outlaw, at a rent of 5 s. yearly. Witnesses:Guy Ferre, her steward, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… penny a year, wherewith Adam Elyot of Cambridge is charged at the Exchequer. Nov. 15. Westminster. Pardon to Richard son … that he killed him by misadventure. Vacated because at the end of Patent Roll of 21 Edward I. Nov. 25. … of a messuage in Grymesby, from which there is due at the Exchequer by the hands of the bailiffs of the said …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… and goods which they assert to have been taken lately at sea by sailors of the realm. June 11. Westminster. Grant … to Eleanor the king's mother; and he is to answer, at the Exchequer as heretofore. Presentation of Master Thomas … to view their goods which they say have been lately seized at sea sea by sailors of the realm. June 15. Westminster. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… reason of the minority of the heir, rendering its extent at the Exchequer; saving only to the king the stews, which … made in the presence of Edmund, the king's brother, at Aberconewey, between John de Byssounduyn, Peter de … between them of the things and goods acquired by them at sea from the king's enemies; to wit, that such goods be …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of Thomas de Stodham, tenant in chief, is bound to pay at the Exchequer every year, during the minority of the heir … de Stodham her husband ; and he is to receive the same at the Exchequer at the hands of the said Isabella or her attorney. Mandate to …
Displaying 31 - 40 of 25407