
Displaying 61 - 70 of 123
Lincoln Wills
… 114, 226 , , priest, 131 Snaith, Snaythe, co. York, W.R., Pollington in, q.v. Snaith, see Snayth Snarford, Snarforthe, …
The inhabitants of London in 1638
… a. Pole, Mr. a. Pollard, Mrs. a. Fran. Jn. Polline, Jn. Pollington, Mr. Polter, Wm. a. Poltny, Jn. a. Pomfret, Mr. a, …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… 27. Pokethorpe, 188. Poklington, 3. Polam, 125. Pole, 174. Pollington, 71, 88, 169, 181, 185. Pollyngton, 43, 73, 145. …
Lincoln Wills
… Grove Kirkham Knaresborough Minskip Mount Grace Pollington Sledmere Snaith York UNIDENTIFIED Norryn ITALY …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… 24, 34, 85, 103, 156, 184. Poklyngton, 96. Pole, 154. Pollington, 110. Pollyngton, 24, 58, 88, 96, 121, 144, 176, …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Pockthorpe, 128. Pockthropp, 90. Poile als. Poule, 11. Pollington, 48, 125, 145, 194. Pomfrett, 68, 109, 157, 180. …
A History of the County of York East Riding
… 70-5, 87, 91-5, 97-100, 121, 125-31, 135, 141-8, 151 Pollington: Hen., 199 Rob., 200 Pomroy, John, 89, 96, 253 …
Calendar of Treasury books
… for, 392. Newhaven, co. Sussex, 291; Collector of. See Pollington, E. Newhaven, Viscount. See Cheyne, William. …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… Newhaven, co. Sussex, Collectors of. See Pollington, E.; Shoobridge, A.; tidesmen of, 283. New heaven, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… William de, the elder, 549. , , the younger, 549. Pollington, Poulyngton by Snaith, co. York, 310. Polment, … Poillon, 60, 77. Poulton. See Pawton. Poulyngton. See Pollington. Poun, Richard, 501. , Robert, 80. , , to …
Displaying 61 - 70 of 123