
Displaying 91 - 100 of 31148
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… ( raptu) of Isabella, late the wife of John de Ken. By. p.s. [5629.] May 12. Westminster. Confirmation of a grant by … be provided with a suitable ecclesiastical benefice. By p.s. May 12. Westminster. Grant to Edmund de Wodestok, the … behalf, of a certain house at Condom, called the Count's Hall ( Aula Comitis) in a ruinous condition, which was a …
1321, membranes 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of the king, 6 marks of rent arising from a tavern with a hall built over it and chambers, which he had on Cornhull in … departed ; which said rent was taken into the king's hands by Richard de Rodeneye, escheator on this side Trent … Tower of London. Appointment of William de Kyngeston, king's clerk, to be receiver and keeper of victuals, stock and …
1322-1323, membranes 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of the court when convicted by a judgment of the king's court of a disseisin committed upon Roger Goce of a … to hold in the same manner as others have held it. By p.s. Aug. 22. Edinburgh. Whereas on 25 September, 11 Edward II, … de Mildenhale, king's yeoman, marshal of the king's hall, of the lands in Whatton, co. Leicester, late of William …
1322, membranes 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… convey the same to Skymburnessh for delivery to the king's receiver of stock. By K. March 24. Pontefract. Mandate to … of Holy Trinity at latest ; and John de Norton, king's clerk, is sent to supervise the purveyance. By K. The like … Adam du Chastel William de Brideport for that of her hall and chamber. John Russel William de Kenyngton for that …
1322, membranes 31d, 30d, 28d, 27d, 26d, 25d, 24d, 22d, 21d, 20d, 19d, 18d, 17d, 16d, 15d, 14d, 13d, 12d, 11d, 10d, 9d, 8d, 7d, 6d, 5d, 4d, 3d, 1d
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… and to whom and in what manner, viz. whether to the king's loss or prejudice, or not; to take into the king's hand the entire soil, which beyond the number of acres … services, but levied the same themselves, partly burnt a hall in the castle, consumed four tuns of wine, of the price …
1323-1324, membranes 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… of Winchester, lord of Abberbury, to Walter called atte Hall ( ad Aulam) of Abberbury and Richard his first-born and … pastures adjacent thereto by homage and the service of 36 s. of silver a year for all secular services, customs, … held in chief, to hold to him and his heirs. By fine of 40 s. July 9.Faxfleet. Licence for William de Haselwell to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… at Canterbury, co. Kent, and carried away goods. By p.s. MEMBRANE 22 d. July 8. Burstwick. Commission to William … by John, bishop of Ely, that, while he was under the king's protection, Master Robert de Ormesby, Master Robert de … the said manor of Frauncton, while it was in the king's hands for certain causes, and carried away goods. July 31. …
1323-1324, membranes 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Bertrand Ferandi, clerk, going beyond the seas on the king's business. By K. March 5. Westminster. Association of Henry … the justices in eyre for the forest of Essex as the queen's nominee in all pleas which affect her forest of Haveryng, … 4. Westminster. Pardon to Master John son of William atte Hall of Harewell of his trespass in acquiring in fee simple …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… at Waltford, co. Dorset, and carried away his goods. By p.s. March 26. Langley. The like to William de Herle, Roger … and one cow of his, and carried away other goods. By p.s. April 3. Westminster. Commission to John de Foxle, John de … Robert Dyssy of Folkesworth, John son of Thomas atte Hall, Peter 'Joneschaumberleyn de Pabenham,' William son of …
1324-1325, membranes 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… town of Scardeburgh, which town and port are in the king's hands for certain causes. By K. March 7. Tower of London. … of land, 40 acres of meadow, 30 acres of pasture and 7 s. 10 d. of rent in Meriet, co. Somerset, held in chief, and … the manor and town with appurtenances into the king's hand: he has granted the same to him in tail male. By K. …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 31148