
Displaying 21261 - 21270 of 21631
William III, 1695-6: An Act for revesting in his Majesty the Honor of Tutbury Forrest of Needwood severall Manno's Parkes Lands and Offices and other Profitts thereunto belonging, and for vacatting certein Letters Patents therein mentioned. [Chapter XI.]
Statutes of the Realm
Statutes of the Realm
… Assaying Coinage or Waste in Coinage so as that for every Pound Troy of Crowne or Standard Gold that shall bee brought … shall bee delivered out to him or them respectively a Pound Troy of the Current Coins of this Kingdome of Crowne or …
Statutes of the Realm
… III. If any Vill, &c. has employed the Rate of 6d. in the Pound, and Highways not repaired, the whole Parish to … High-ways shall have levied the Rate of Sixpence in the Pound and imployed the same toward the Repaire of the …
William III, 1695-6: An Act for the further regulating Elections of Members to serve in Parliament and for the preventing irregular Proceedings of Sheriffs and other Officers in the electing and returning such Members. [Chapter XXV. Rot. Parl. 7 & 8 Gul. III. p. 5. n. 11.]
Statutes of the Realm
Displaying 21261 - 21270 of 21631