
Displaying 2531 - 2540 of 41272
Calendar of Border Papers
… 1.] I have sent to the Council the proceedings between me and the Grames on Saturday last and yesterday, with my letter to their lordships therein, … will hold with us, and shall then certify your lordship. Bishop Awckland. Signed: Tobie Duresm., Will'm Bowes, F. …
Calendar of Border Papers
… [Nov. 1.] After many open threats against me, both in town and country, for my late informing as to the abuses, &c., on … servants, viz. "William Browneles a notorious barrettor and Frauncis Wadlie, havinge pursued me in the night time to … to London, and likewise to move for direction to the Bishop of Durham and chief men here, that these offenders may …
Calendar of Border Papers
… obliged to prolong his journey by business on the way, and had only now settled in Berwick. Giving thanks for the many favours received from the late Lord Treasurer, and offering service to the uttermost of his power to his son … I have sent M r Woodrington and M r Fenwyck to the Bishop of Durham, to remain during her Majesty's pleasure: …
Calendar of Border Papers
… to Cecil. [Nov. 5.] I have just received your letter, and perceive her Majesty's unwillingness that I come up this … dead of winter as she says, for then the ways are so foul, and cattle so weak, that they cannot drive, or carry anything … as they be since the King's. My "cussin" Veare is with the Bishop, where I wish he may profit in learning as he has …
Calendar of Border Papers
… 2 combatters to Lord Hume, yet M r Nicolson being here, and desiring this inclosed packet sent: I certify your honor … to meet him at the Bound road to speak of Border causes, and, if Moubray and Daniel would then come with me and offer … spoiled some houses at Drumbewgh, and then some of the Bishop's tenants of Linstock. Hearing they were in a tower of …
Calendar of Border Papers
… Border Papers volume 2 October 1596 400. Commission to Bishop of Durham, &c. [Oct. 2.] Appointment of Tobias bishop … Sir William Bowes knight, Francis Slyngesby esquire, and Clement Colmer doctor of Civil Law, or any three (the … be one), commissioners to meet those of the King of Scots, and decide all border questions between their respective …
Calendar of Border Papers
… after: sa as the King was fayne to send the second tyme, and they were brought within 20 tie miles to the King, but … as he 1 was compelled to writ to the King in that matter, and with all speed he 1 came back with sax score horsemen, … Indorsed. Quartered wafer signet. 776. Sir W. Bowes to the Bishop of Durham. [Oct. 3.] Since I parted from you at …
Calendar of Border Papers
… Majesty's pleasure to be informed "by whome, from whome, and in what manner, those wordes of obedyence and duty were spoken"? This was as follows:After I had sent … But at the last commission we were so "warie," that the Bishop of Durham being not well at ease, sent me to meet the …
Calendar of Border Papers
… I received them, the Grames have presented a petition and the gentlemen have replied, all which principals I … messages from Sir Robert Kerr for news of his licence, and he earnestly intreats me to write for his safe conduct. … His proceedings of late are good, I have great justice, and his border is very quiet. So if it please you I would …
Calendar of Border Papers
… conveying this packet, newly received from M r Nicolson, and after great debate with myself whether men of my degree … should meddle with things already in the hands of so grave and high wisdoms: I think it due to my allegiance "to showte … Postscript.My writ reached me on Sunday at 4 P.M.: and the Bishop's on Monday after, "who being none of the richest" and
Displaying 2531 - 2540 of 41272