
Displaying 31 - 40 of 22087
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Walter Lenge, king's serjeant, at the king's special prayer to an exhibition in their house for life, that their …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Ireland to grant indulgences to all who, for devotion or prayer, go to the chaplaincy founded by the chancellor and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… did. And by command of the said Baruncinus, and at the prayer of the parties, John de Sancto Dimitrio, by imperial …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… to him in the king's name by the king's uncle, on his prayer to be relieved from it by reason of certain affairs …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… men of the manor having been taken by him ; at my instant prayer, the archbishop has at last of his mere grace …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… him while she was in a state of madness. Mandate, at the prayer of the prior provincial of the Friars Preachers, to …
Displaying 31 - 40 of 22087