
Displaying 141 - 150 of 214
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… See Prittlewell. Prioursweyn. See Prittlewell. Prisage of wine, 200, 358. in Chester, 401. at Dertemuthe and …
Statutes of the Realm
… continued for 7 Years, &c. 1 Jac. II. c. 17. 15. exp. 20 Prisage Wines See Customs. Prisoners See Declarations to …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… Captain; 567. Primrose, Archibald, a Scotchman; 348. Prisage of wines; 469. Prison charges, a cloak detained for; …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… of the commissioners for trade and plantations; lxxxv. 52. Prisage wines, the new subsidy on, deposits for; xcvi. 20. -, …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… wall, Southwark; lx. 60. Prior, Mr. [? Matthew]; lvi. 22. Prisage; lxxiii. 51. Prisoners, Irish Papist soldiers; xlvii. …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… p. 1515. Printing, pp. 1461, 1463, 1465, 1467, 1469. Prisage of wine, 4461. Puncheon, a, 4464. Purses, pp. 1445, … Pinson, Ric. Prior John. See Prgent. Priour, John, 4557. Prisage, 4461. Pritwell, 883. See also Britwell. Privy Seal, …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… Ric., 1803 (1 m. 6). Prior John. See Bidoux, P. de. Prisage. See Butlerage. Prisoners, release of, g. 289 (35). …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… 1233, 1354, 1363. -, Roger, 558. -, William, Farmer of the Prisage of Wines, 755. Paulerspury. See Pery. Paulding. Mr., …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… by Biggleswade [co. Bedford], 352, 386, 396. , co. Devon, prisage of wine at, 358. , Little [co. Essex], 276. , co. …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… 212, 216, 331, 348, 455, 628. and office of Butlerage and Prisage, 60. a charter for merchants, 79. and leases of Crown …
Displaying 141 - 150 of 214