
Displaying 41 - 50 of 79733
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… denariis receptis.Rex omnibus etc. Sciatis quod recepimus in garderoba comitis W. Marescalli, die Veneris proxima post … Thome de Muleton, filii sui, clerici, centum marcas. Et in hujus rei etc. Teste eodem comite, apud Gloucestre, xxviij … de proteccione patentes. Teste ut supra. [Membrane 1 has been cut along the margin: the missing words are supplied in
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… stet recto, si quis inde versus eum loqui voluerit. Et in hujus rei testimonium etc. Teste comite, apud Merleberg, … de la Barrere, cum pertinenciis suis, ad se sustentandum in servicio nostro, quamdiu nobis placuerit. Et ideo vobis … pertinentibus, intendentes sitis et respondentes. Et in hujus rei testimonium etc. Teste comite, apud Hamsted, x …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… v Carlyle 122 CONSTABLE V CARLYLE Marmaduke Constable of Wassand in Holderness, co. York, gent v Francis Carlyle of … but the case was lost with the suspension of the court's proceedings. Initial proceedings 5/101, Petition 'Your … of Kingston-upon-Hull, gent., acting for Carlyle. Signed by Michael Harrison Sealed, subscribed and delivered in the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… et Hugo de Fraxino [ the last three names are written in place of 'Jordanus de la Wik, Henricus de Penebrug, Henricus Ruffus', which have been cancelled], attornati sunt justiciarii ad capiendum …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Notum sit omnibus quod ita convenit apud Westmonasterium in vigilia Ascensionis Domini anno regni domini H. illustris … ipsi domino H. regi castrum de Hastinges, tenendum in manu sua quousque pax firmata fuerit cum rege Francorum et … die Julii, anno nono, coram justiciario. [ This entry has been partially cancelled and altered as follows:] Rex …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… et aliis tenentibus de eodem honore, quod eidem comiti in omnibus etc. sint intendentes et attendentes, sicut … Wasconie ad res et mercandisas ibidem emendas et ducendas in Angliam. Et mandatum est omnibus ballivis etc. quod eidem … licentia nostra de bosco Saeri quondam comitis Wyntonie de done suo, quietum sit inperpetuum de reguardo. Concessimus …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… as part of his defence against Christopher Constable (By permission of the Chapter of the College of Arms) The … Christopher was awarded £20 damages and £30 costs. Initial proceedings 6/150, Petition to Arundel 'John Constable of … he did not see or hear John provoke Christopher in any way. Signed by the above six commissioners. To Christopher …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… omnium terrarum que fuerunt Theobaldi Walteri tam in Anglia quam in Hybernia, et custodiam heredum ipsius Theobaldi cum … Leonensis, xxvj die Octobris. Quoque, MS. This date has been altered from 'diem Sabbati proximo futuram, scilicet in
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 1232, membranes 9,8,7 CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS. 17 HENRY III. MEMBRANE 9. 1232. Oct. 29. … of Audebury, in the diocese of Lincoln, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of William de … and those with him, in passing through England on their way to and from the Holy Land. Extension to the men of
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… people that the king, having lately received a mandate of the pope touching the correction of trespasses against the … found on enquiry that the said trespasses were done by Hubert de Burgo, during the time of his justiciarship and … 'Further, if he should get out of prison in any other way, contrary to the above provision, then the above judgment …
Displaying 41 - 50 of 79733