
Displaying 71 - 80 of 25070
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… Maltravers granted process on 15 May 1640. 5/40, Plaintiff's bond 18 May 1640 Bound to 'appear in the court in the … delivered in the presence of John Watson. 5/97, Defendant's bond 20 June 1640 Bound to 'appear in the court in the … Initial proceedings Petition: 5/41 (15 May 1640) Plaintiff's bond: 5/40 (18 May 1640) Defendant's bond: 5/97 (20 Jun …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… truce with Llewelin son of Griffin, deputed on the king's part. whom the king is sending to Puthpalbirton or Dewas … king as well as against Gilbert le ( sic) Gaunt, the king's constable of that castle, after he had the keeping thereof … the king's place three weeks after Whitsunday next at the Cross of Griffin, and a month after Whitsunday at the Ford of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… ( Castelli Lem') as well as other burgesses of the king's land; and the king wills that throughout his land they have … de Vercellis, and Nicholas de la Leye, clerk, as the king's proctors in the king's cause against Reynold de Pontibus … Thomas de Colecestre to the wardenship of the house of St. Cross, without Winchester, in the king's gift by reason of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… J. Mansel. Appointment of Master Richard de Gorono, king's clerk, as his proctor to appeal from Valescus, a Friar … in the court of Rome to oppose himself for the king's interest and right against Stephen the nephew of the bishop … Mansel, treasurer of York; and request that they let him cross with it to England without impediment. April 24. Dover. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for life to Richard de Radinges, minister of the king's kitchen, of the mastership of the kitchen of the convent of St. Swithun's, Winchester, which Master Bartholomew the cook sometime had … that on Monday the eve of the Invention of the Holy Cross, the king came to Dover and on the morrow took into his …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the earldom of Richmond, and 200 marks of the king's gift, so that in the whole he will take at the Exchequer … William de Mohun going to Brittany with Beatrice the king's daughter. June 18. Guildford. Appointment of Nicholas de … Westminster between the church of the Danes and the Stone Cross, for the enlargement of the site of his smithy ( …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… his first-born for their lord and prince as the king's heir, and will faithfully labour for him to obtain his … and Hereford, to be of counsel and aid to Edward the king's first-born son, whom the king is sending to the March of … John de Mucegros. James de Alditheleg. Hamo de Gatton. S[ampson] Foliot. Master Ralph le Keu. Robert de Nevill. May …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to Masters John de Hemmigford and Roger Luvel, the king's proctors in the court of Rome as the king hears that … acting in the court of Rome, to the prejudice of the king's right and honour, presume to suggest and obtain divers … of the jewry accordingly. Protections of those who are to cross with the King beyond seas. July 1. Westminster. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of France to John de Britannia, who has married the king's daughter, of 1000 marks of the money due from the said king … of John de Hemingford and Roger Luvel, clerks, as the king's proctors in the court of Rome to the exclusion of any other … customs of the realm, the nobility and honour of the king's dignity and crown, and to choose and refuse judges; with …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and the goods to be arrested and reserved to the king's use. Jan. 16. Westminster. Appointment of Laurence del Broc … R. bishop of Salisbury keeping their flock in the bishop's pasture there, assaulted them in order to plunder them of … and answer to Edward for the remainder. And if the king cross the sea in his pilgrimage towards the land of …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 25070