
Displaying 21 - 30 of 510
The records of St. Bartholomew's priory & St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield
… that ar lernyd men, nat to know the grownde and the reson of them, that we worschippe: Moyses sothly, that fyrst … unwonnt vision, and the same houre he lost his wytte and reson and of all myght was private, 18 and what was to be … she answerd, 'It is no prudent mannys dede, that usith reson suche a conseyvyd desire yn herte, so unshamfully to …
Calendar of Border Papers
Calendar of Border Papers
Calendar of Border Papers
London Bridge
… [ Maynells], steps for stairs, joists, binders and reson pieces, by the discretion of Thomas Maunsy the master …
Calendar, Committee for the Advance of Money
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… Althow I have bene longe from the presens of your L. by reson of the coustody of this weyghty charge, yett fynde I in …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… de ce luy qui luy avoict propos cela, qu'il avoict grand reson ne ce fier james en luy, que tout ce qu'il en faisoict … qu'il vous plese trouver bon, qu'aprs avoir prins reson honorabl[ l] e du tort que me tien Fervacques, tel que … en moy prendre ce qui est d'aultruy, & moins avait y de reson prendre un don de telz qui n'en ont de tiltre en fayre …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… de sort que In portu sumns l'apparence que humaine reson nous peut donner, et, pour vrais dire, 38 s'est monstr tant flexible toute reson que luy ay propose, que si on ne peut se defaire …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… desyer his stay heere, but since my desyer is with so much reson and yet with so much stryctnes to my cosen, grant I …
Displaying 21 - 30 of 510