
Displaying 71 - 80 of 59663
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the king was bound to John Saladin, Ellias de Buttevill, Robert de Male Palne, Nicholas le Engleis and Thomas le … see. Dec. 7. Westminster. Appointment, during pleasure, of Robert de Breues [ in the margin, Brus] to the custody of the … Dec. 8. Westminster. Appointment, during pleasure, of Robert de Brus to the custody of the counties of Norfolk and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Dec. 18. Clarendon. Safe-conduct, until Midsummer, for Sir Robert de Curtenay, the king's kinsman, coming to England to … they owe the king of the aid lately granted to him to Robert de Sotindon, guardian of the bishopric of Norwich, to … of Wilden, in the diocese of Lincoln. The like of Master Robert de Sumercote to the church of Medburn, in the same …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… have begged licence to elect an archbishop by Master Robert &c., and have letters. Jan. 12. Westminster. Grant to … as he was commanded at another time, to take with him Robert son of Meaudre and Geoffrey son of Geoffrey and to … ; which pleas remained in the said court before the said Robert and Geoffrey and their fellows, at that time justices …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… tenement which he had in Batesford and which he held of Robert de Tateshal and Robert held of the king in chief, and that the prior has … touching the tenement before the king against the said Robert, and it is manifestly contrary to the liberty which …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Simon, sometime abbot. Appointment, during pleasure, of Robert Turnebuel to collect the castle-guard rents of the … those who owe the same. Dec. 5. Windsor. Grant for life to Robert de Cantuaria, king's clerk, of the custody of the … p. 255.] Dec. 14. Windsor. Presentation of William son of Robert Hardel to the church of All Hallows the Less ( super …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… during the minority of the heirs, of the land and heirs of Robert de Guuiz, with the marriage of the heirs. Exemption, for life, of Robert le Noreys from being put on assizes, juries or … years from Easter next, for Henry de Bros. Mandate to Robert Anketil to deliver to John de Lexinton and Master John …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… counties and castles of the said manors. Presentation of Robert de Coleham to the church of Bulewell ; directed to the … John without the east gate, Oxford, until the return of Robert the chaplain, the warden, who by licence of the king … accordingly. Nov. 28. Marlborough. Appointment of Master Robert de Forde, as the king's proctor in the matter of an …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Request to the abbots of Wardon and Beaulieu and Robert de Esthal, clerk, as there is a contention touching …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Because otherwise below. Jan. 3. Westminster. Grant to Robert de Cantuaria of the custody, during the minority of the heir, of the land late of John son of Robert de Cantuaria in Sapindon, in the king's gift by reason … and merchant of Florence, and his fellows, to let Master Robert Anketil, staying in the court of Rome to further the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Albiniaco. Thomas de Pulton. Geoffrey de Childwik. Robert de Mares. Alexander de Monte Forti. Geoffrey de Duncheved. Richard de Burgo. William son of Robert de Northbiry. German the tailor. Master Richard the … Sancto Amando. Geoffrey the Sauser. Ralph son of Randolf. Robert de Pirrow. Gilbert le Escot. Matthew de Mauthebi. …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 59663