
Displaying 101 - 110 of 61951
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Trussell touching contentions between Thomas Corbet and Robert Corbet as well about the town of Braginton, from which Robert asserts that he was ejected by Thomas, as about all … him and the abbot of Persore to make inquisition touching Robert le Vavvassur and his bailiffs in regard to trespasses …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… him. Testification that Godfrey de Craucumbe enfeoffed Robert de Muscegros, his heirs and assigns, of the manor of … being put on assizes, juries or recognitions. The like of Robert son of Robert de Becco, of Thene. Simple protection for five years …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Lincoln. Jan. 10. Westminster. Pardon to William son of Robert Malenfant of his outlawry for the death of William de … ad quod damnum by the mayor and bailiffs of York, for Robert de Moyne, chaplain, to enclose a lane in York called … forest of Essex to be intendant to Simon Passelewe, whom Robert Passelewe, archdeacon of Lewes, is sending to keep the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to James de Aldidele, William de Oddinges[eles], Robert de Grend[on] and Nicholas de Wilileg to hear and … de Ribeford, Maurice de Thorndon, John de Esturmi and Robert de Clifton to deliver the gaol of Worcester on the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… assumption of the cross. These letters were committed to Robert de Aldesworth, prior of the Friars Preachers of … Winchester. Feb. 6. Woodstock. Grant to William de Ruston, Robert le Turnur, Richard de Maworthin, Andrew Caperon, … Master H. de Rupibus, archdeacon of Winchester. Grant to Robert de Creppinges of that whole land which Rades de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 13 d. Appointment of Roger de Thurkelby, John de Gatesden, Robert de Brywes, Gilbert de Preston and John de Cobbeham as … Membrane 8 d(schedule). Appointment of Roger de Sumery and Robert de Grendon to take an inquisition between Thomas … them the foreign hundreds around the forest and jurors. By Robert Wallerand. July 6. Woodstock. Commission to W. de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 3. Woodstock. Exemption, for life, of the king's yeoman Robert de Lascy from being put on assizes, juries or … for the abbot of Binedune. By K. Exemption for life of Robert de Paris from being put on assizes, juries or … By K. Royal assent to the presentation made to the king of Robert de Trembliaco, as prior of Derhurst; and mandate to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Grant, for 50 marks wherewith Isabel late the wife of Robert de Muscampis has made fine with the king for her … Stanford and Deping to execute this mandate. Grant to Robert Waleraund and his heirs of the land in Hakeneston, co. … those parts. By K. The like for Richard de Specheleg and Robert de Bracy, who have gone with the said Maud. Jan. 3. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… justice of the forest, to enquire who entered the park of Robert de Muscegros of Curymalet, co. Somerset, and carried … safe conduct until Easter next Geoffrey le Faucuner and Robert and Walter his fellows, going to his parts to buy … them justices to take an assize of novel disseisin which Robert de Tatteshale arramed before the king by order of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… assizes &c. and from being made coroner. By K. The like of Robert de Monte Pessulano, king's serjeant, from being … to Walter de Middelton of his outlawry for the death of Robert de Nortle of Torp. By K. Nov. 3. Windsor. Mandate to … put on assizes, juries or recognitions. By K. The like of Robert de London and also from being made coroner. By the …
Displaying 101 - 110 of 61951