
Displaying 91 - 100 of 61959
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of York to do his part herein. The like to the election of Robert de Kaermerdin to be prior of Kaermerdin; with like … learned by inquisition that the land of Coleb[y] late of Robert Malet ought to be held of the honor of Richmond, which … to give him seisin thereof. Dec. 8. Clarendon. Grant to Robert Passelewe of the prebend late of Randolf le Bretun in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 25 marks to buy a horse of the king's gift. Mandate to Robert de Turbervill to deliver him the lands with the … deliver the same to him. Appointment, during pleasure, of Robert Waleraund to the custody of all the lands and castles … Power, until Easter next, to Nicholas de Molis and Robert Walerand to receive Mereduk son of Res, the sons of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… keeping of the manors of Beuford and Isendun. Mandate to Robert de Grendon to give seisin of the castle of Certeleye, … or his assign, of the wardship of the land and heirs of Robert Doynel, with the marriage of the heirs. Dec. 28. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… was before the king between the king and Randolf son of Robert of the forest of Wendesleydale and between the king … during the minority of the heirs, of the land and heirs of Robert de Stoccebrok, with the marriage of the heirs. April … of Finnesheved as to their assart of 11 acres, sometime of Robert le Breton, which Elias le Bretun afterwards held for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to take an inquisition at Norhampton of the land late of Robert le Waleis in Wolaston. MEMBRANE 4 d. To the knights …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the land and heirs of John de Pabbeham. Pardon to Robert de Ho of the trespass touching the escape of prisoners … Royal assent to the marriage of A. countess of Devon, to Robert de Gynes, if she will. Exemption, for life, of Richard … bishopric of Bath. Appointment of Thomas de Stanford and Robert de Creppinges together with the knights, their …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the assarts made in the forests of the county of Wilts. By Robert Passelewe. The like in the counties of Somerset and … and Gilbert de Bailloyl, in one letter with the clause. Robert le Tuyt without the clause. Ralph de Bakepuyz Henry … de Vivona the younger. Ralph de Bakepuiz. Simon Branche. Robert Houel. Adam de Insula. Baldwin de Rumely. Walter de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… earl of Dereby, of the 100 l. which the king gave to Robert son of the earl in marriage with Mary the king's niece, until the majority of the said Robert. Exemption for life of Hugh de Meynil from being put … for the maintenance of the war in Gascony. Appointment of Robert de Dacre, king's clerk, to sell, take and buy the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to the pope that the king has appointed Master Robert Anketill, canon of Dol, king's clerk, as his proctor … Alan de Guldeford of the wardship of the land and heirs of Robert de Alneto, with the marriage of the heirs. The like to … 13. Windsor. Notification to Constance late the wife of Robert del Punddelarch that the king has granted to his …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… voidance of the archbishopric of Canterbury, but Master Robert de Gloucestre asserted that he had been provided … MEMBRANE 7 d. Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert le Sauvage and William de Axemuth [ substituted for … a plea between Gilbert de Segrava, complainant, and Robert Patric and William de Haltsted, hinderers, as to the …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 61959