
Displaying 21 - 30 of 14720
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Carlisle. Pardon, at the instance of the prior of St. Mary's, Carlisle, to John de Kirkoswald for the death of Richard … and of his outlawry, if any, for the same. By p.s. July 1. Carlisle. The like, at the instance of John de … 26. Rose Castle. Appointment of Adam Lorfevre of London to survey all things manufactured of gold and silver, and to see …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… paid in the Wardrobe by the hands of Ralph de Manton, king's clerk and cofferer, for Nicholas de Barbeflete, son and … son and heir of the said Gilbert, a minor in the king's custody. April 1. Westminster. Simple protection, until a … 1. Westminster. Appointment of Thomas de Sweynef[eld] to survey the king's mines in the county of Devon and all things …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… earl of Lincoln, and Otto de Grantzun, knight, the king's proctors, and for the lord of Saqu[ain]vill and Mutoun de … Bairau de Sescars and Arnaud Ayquem, knights, on the king's side, and Bertrand Jordan and William de Rabastanz, … Fermbaud and Thomas de Gardinis, sheriff of Gloucester, to survey the king's manors of Frompton and Syston, co. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… and Hornyngton, co. York, while he was under the king's protection. By p.s. MEMBRANE 22 d. Dec. 6. Burstwick. The like to Nicholas de … belonging to their liberty of the said town. They are to survey the plot, and inspect the muniments, and hear the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… and transferred it to him, and afterwards the said Nigel's lands were seized into the king's hands by reason of his adhering to the party of Robert de … with themselves the more discreet of the aldermen and survey the water-course of Flete running under the bridge of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… down his corn at Burton-Agnes near Killum, co. York. By p.s. Sept. 25. Clipston. Commission to William de Bereford to … of the goods and chattels, seized into the king's hands, of Walter, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, charged … le Brabazon, William de Bereford and Roger de Heghham to survey the Fleet river from Holeburne Bridge to the Thames, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Plympton, in regard to a judgment against them in the king's bench, that although they are bound at the church of … gave the canons of Plympton two carucates of land, 100 s. of rent in Landoho and the church there for the … in the Forest of Dene, to wit, of riding through it to survey it, to hold it in like manor as his predecessors. By …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… Windsor. Henry de Raleye, staying in Ireland on the king's service, has letters nominating Richard de Berton his … for John de Wyke, staying in Ireland on the king's service. By p.s. The like for Richard de Middelton, staying … Everesdon, abbot elect of the monastery of St. Albans, to survey the king's manors and those of the Templars, on this …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… the men of Great Yarmouth is pending in the court of King's Bench, the latter began to raise a dyke in the town of … pasture at Stikeswold, drove them to Robert de Godesfeld's manor of Halleford and there detained them impounded … younger and John de Northwode commissioners appointed to survey the bridges of Stureye, co. Kent. MEMBRANE 14 d. Feb. …
Displaying 21 - 30 of 14720