
Displaying 19351 - 19360 of 30369
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… Walter, 1027, 1035, 1042. Oglan, Nali Spachi, 2464 (i.) Ogle castle, 5085. Ogle, Cuthbert, 5085. -, George, 1460. … from, 6597. Orleans, Henry duke of, ( see also Francis I., sons of,) 262, 926, 1290, 1830, p. 859, p. 887, 2135, p. … g. 86 (23). -, Maurice, p. 239. -, Robt., g. 464 (3). -, Roger, 6124. -, Thos., p. 238, g. 5748 (12). Osboroughe. See …
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
… port, 381. -, Lewis, a stamper, 496. -, Mr., 218. Owsley, Roger, 422. Oxenden, Sir George, 22. Oxenham, Lazarus, 353. …
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
… Excise, England, 624. Ormiston (Haddington), 170. Ormond, Roger, 287. Ormonde, Duke of and Marquis of. See Butler, …
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
… Orme, Charles, 277. Ormes, Elizabeth, 94, 96, 133. Ormond, Roger, 554, 685. Ornesby, Rev. John, 343. Orsoy silk, 420. …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… John, a suicide, estate of, 741, 2016. Oates (Otes), Roger, repairing highways, co. Monmouth, 1176-7. -, Titus, …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… 1525. Ogan. See Hogan. Ogard (Hogard), Andrew, g. 833 (58 i.). - (Hogard, Ogerd), Sir Henry, 438 (2 m. 27):p. 1541. … Yorks, 1803 (1 m. 4). Ormeston, Eliz., widow of Sir Roger, 438 (3 m. 29). -, Guy, spear of Calais, 2049. -, Mr., … 833 (55). Orthez, in Guienne, 1375 n. - (Ortyse), bp. of [ i.e. of Dax ?], 1326 (p. 616). Orti, Gabriel de, Ferdinand's …
Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice
… II and III of. princess of. See Mary, daughter of Charles I. Orleans, duke of. See Philip. duchess of. See Henrietta … duke of. See Butler, James. Orrery, earl of. See Boyle, Roger. Ossery, earl of. See Butler, Thomas. Ostend [Prov. W. … question of currants discussed in, in time of Charles I, 275. -, the long: Palatine's attempt to obtain crown from, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… , John le, 40. , Ralph le, 129, 240. , Ranulph le, 39. , Roger le, 182, 411. , , of co. Leicester, 477. , Thomas le, … Paloly, John, 200. Palterton [co. Derby], 357. Palton, Roger de, 256. See Paulton. Pampeluna, Pampiloigne in … Pannage, 446. Pape, John, of Gutland, 104, 168. Papiloun, Roger, 582. Pappeworthe, Papworthe, William de, 23, 30, 54, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… 174. , Richard, of Mutton, 587. , Robert, 78. , Roger, 228, 231. , , of Caloudon, 93, 100. , William, 94, … 474, 487, 541. , Richard le, 175. , Robert le, 463, 486. , Roger le, and Beatrice his wife, 590. , Thomas le, 542, 549. … IV., king [1285 to 1314] of France, peace with Edward I and marriage of his daughter to prince Edward, 115, 201. , …
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland
… 505. Pardons, 20,000 granted since the accession of James I., 112. Parker, John, Buckingham's secretary, appropriates … as auditor of accounts, 49. Patent Chancery Rolls of James I., xciii. , , Erck's Calendar of, xciv. Patents of lands, … , , sentence of death for bringing one in 30th Assize, Ed. I., 351 Popery, 124. , boldness of its followers, 58. , cause …
Displaying 19351 - 19360 of 30369