
Displaying 121 - 130 of 78141
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… is sending to him Philip le Bret, and the preceptor of the house of the Knights Templars of Garewy, and the master of … in France. Signification to the bishop of Lincoln of the royal assent to the election of Ralph de Luffeld, monk of … peril of the king's soul, the subversion and shame of his royal eminence, honour and right which as a peer of France he …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… have brought from a well without their court to their house and thence to the said town, remain in the same state … de Littlebiry that the said Ralph came by night to the house of the said John in Thamwrth to plunder him of his … to him. Dec. 13. Windsor. Signification to the pope of the royal assent to the election of William de Marleberg, monk of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… man in the crowd of other poor men lately going to the house of the said Simon in Askham was crushed so that he … men of that town and the water as it extends from their house to the bridge; to hold in augmentation of their area, … the chancellor, to let the prior and convent of the said house have the keeping thereof for this turn according to the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… deposit the issues and profits thereof in some religious house to the use of the said church, and answer for them at … bridge over the water of Stoure, between the site of their house and their place called Brokmede and hold it to them and … Wautham, to be intendant to Adam de Wiz, canon of that house, whose election as abbot has been confirmed by Guy, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 11. Windsor. Signification to the bishop of London of the royal assent to the election of John Bacun, canon of St. … William de Bakepuz, escheator of Ireland, to give the royal assent to the person elected to be abbess of the abbey … Robert Aguilun and his heirs to crenellate the dwelling house of his manor of Porting'es', [ rectius Percinges] co. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… as the king wills that religious men who have a chief house and other persons unable to fight shall find a subsidy … shall come, and that religious men who have a chief house and others unable to fight find a competent subsidy for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 13. Windsor. Signification to R. bishop of Lincoln, of the royal assent to the election of William de Flamsted, prior of the house of Osolveston, to be abbot of that place. Nov. 12. … may be held to be absolved. MEMBRANE 28. Nov. 18. Windsor. Royal assent to the election of Stephen de Wintonia to be …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the expenses of Edmund the king's son who is sick in his house, to be paid to the abbot or at his order to the bearer a month after the said Edmund has retired from his house, if the abbot has laid out so much in the said … Licence for Ralph de Bakepuz and his heirs to enclose his house of Ceddre, co. Somerset, with a wall of stone and lime, …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 78141