
Displaying 161 - 170 of 69959
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… who is travelling with a white sumpter horse of the king's, to keep him until further order, and to hand over the said … and Gilbert de Cheyles to go to the town of Hagham, and in conjunction with the coroners of that province, having … be known, touching the persons who lately killed James de London, yeoman of W. de Valence, between the said town of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… deliver it to him. Grant to Geoffrey de Lezinan, the king's brother, that after the king has provided for his brother, R. earl of Cornwall in 500 l. yearly of lands which the king granted to him with … from being tallaged in any tallage imposed on the city of London at more than half a mark. By K. Nov. 2. Windsor. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to deliver according to law Henry le Serjant, detained in Gloucestre gaol for the arson of the grange of the dean of … the prior of Clayhangre, who assaulted Thomas, the bishop's chaplain, and who are suspected of the death of the prior … and cause those found guilty to be taken and carried to London to prison. MEMBRANE 18 d. Appointment of Giles de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12 3738 HENRY III. Letters patent made in gascony,37 Henry III. MEMBRANE 20. Aug. 24. Bordeaux. … cannot accede to the request of Henry de Wengham, king's clerk, to grant to the said Hugh the church of Rameseye, … to the said Simon. The king has appointed brother Simon, minister of the house of St. Maturin of the Trinitarian order …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Dec. 29. Chawton. The subprior and convent of St. Peter's, Gippewich, have licence to elect a prior, by Nicholas de … Peter's, Gippewyz, to be prior of that place; with mandate in pursuance to W. bishop of Norwich. Grant to Adam de Boeles … meeting of the bishops of the province of Canterbury at London, who have met to treat of some articles which may …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 8. Westminster. Power to Master Nicholas de Plumpton, king's clerk, to borrow in the king's name of Bernard Prosporin, Aldebrand … rendered at the Exchequer and delivered at the New Temple, London, to be reserved to his use, as it contained in letters …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Appointment of John de Lexinton and Geoffrey de Langele, in the room of Thomas de Staunford, escheator beyond Trent, … until Christmas for Matthew de Mara, gone on the king's service to Scotland. By the queen. Jan. 28 Windsor Royal … this time he may take away his ship which he brought to London to lade with victuals to the use of Humphrey de Boun, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Cormayles. Grant for life to Roger Cocherel of 100 s. a year at the exchequer of Westminster. Jan. 7. [Bazas.] … of Cestresire and the whole conquest of Wales, except in fence month and in warrens, so that he take not the king's … without clause for Gilbert le Milker, citizen of London, from Wednesday after St. Peter's Chains, 37 Henry …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to] Easter, for life, or until, the king provide for him in an equivalent of land in wards or escheats. The term was changed at Bordeaux. Acknowledgment of the king's indebtedness to William de Taliva and William Torto, … moiety at Michaelmas, and one moiety at Easter next, at London without further delay. Every mark is to contain 13 s. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 10d, 9d, 8d, 7d, 5d, 4d, 3d, 2d MEMBRANE 14 d. Thursday in Whitsun Week. Meilhan. Acknowledgement by Amanieu de le … 12 d. The abbot of Maylliches and the prior of St. Peter's, Oleron, are summoned by Walter de Arundel to be before the … le Carpenter and Raymond Emerici, 3,300 marks, payable at London to them or their order, namely 2,000 at Hilary and …
Displaying 161 - 170 of 69959