
Displaying 231 - 238 of 238
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
… good meanes that in you do lye, cause a good and certen serche to be made howe manie straingers of every nation are … to departe the realm. Besydes this you shall cause a due serche to be made what armour or offensive weapons anie … taken by the said Commissioners of suche goodes as uppon serche made was founde at Dover, supposed to be had frome the …
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
… calivers and coats of defence." "Ye are to make serche within your warde frome tyme to tyme as ye shall se …
The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.
The Manuscripts of the Corporations of Southampton and Kings Lynn
… taken we have thought good to require you first to make serche where any such be who brought them thither and what ye …
The Manuscripts of the Corporations of Southampton and Kings Lynn
… that he shalle with a Sargent of the same towne doo serche the pavement of the seid towne and also to pave in …
Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers
London Viewers and their Certificates, 1508-1558
A History of the County of Hampshire
… might search the houses of the company and 'vewe and serche such leather bootes shoes &c. as should be found …
Displaying 231 - 238 of 238