
Displaying 121 - 130 of 140
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… signed. Barbadoes. Representation to be drawn about Mr. Skeen's suspension. Their lordships again took into … consideration the papers relating to the suspension of Mr. Skeen, secretary of Barbadoes [ fo. 227, 235], and went … A representation upon the complaints against Mr. Skeen [ fo. 235, 295], as agreed at the last meeting, was …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… promised to do accordingly. Barbadoes. Suspension of Mr. Skeen. Mr. Ball summon'd. Upon consideration of the papers in this office, relating to the suspension of Mr. Skeen, secretary of Barbadoes; ordered that Mr. Guy Ball have … consideration the papers relating to the suspension of Mr. Skeen, secretary of Barbadoes [L. fo. 149; fo. 228], and made …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… before Judge Beckles or others &c. A certificate from Mr. Skeen that Mr. Sharp, Mr. Walker &c., did make oath before …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… in Barbadoes, as also that he may have a copy of Mr. Skeen's petition to her Majesty, complaining of Mr. Lowther [ …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… Barbadoes. Letter from the Earl of Dartmouth, with Mr. Skeen's petition touching his suspension. Mr. Alexander Skeen, secretary of Barbadoes [ fo. 185, 186], being lately … instant, referring to the Board a petition from the said Skeen to her Majesty [ fo. 193], setting forth, among other …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… to be sent. Barbadoes. Copy of an Order of Council. Skeen restored. Copy of an Order of Council, of the 27th … upon a representation of the 18th ditto, relating to Mr. Skeen, secretary of Barbadoes, was read. November 15. … Letter from Mr. Tryon, praying a report in favour of Mr. Skeen to be of the Council. A letter from Mr. Rowland Tryon, …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… Thursday next for that purpose, and ordered that Mr.Skeen and Mr.Tilden have notice thereof, to come prepared … Barbadoes. Mr. Crow about his hearing. Mr. Crow and Mr. Skeen attending [ fo. 218, 221], as they had been directed, … the private secretary at Barbadoes; and ordered that Mr. Skeen and Mr. Tilden have notice thereof. Miscellanles. …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… Order of Council approving a representation touching Mr. Skeen being guilty of bribery. Copy of a third Order of … [ fo. 240, 387], relating to the complaints against Mr. Skeen, secretary of Barbadoes, approving the said …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… 28th of the last month, upon the petition of Mr. Alexander Skeen, secretary of Barbadoes, to her Majesty [ fo. 440, … in case any objections should be made against the said Skeen's being appointed a member of the said Council, he was … And he being withdrawn, their lordships order'd that Mr. Skeen's name be put upon the list of persons recommended to …
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations
… on Tuesday next to finish the business relating to Mr. Skeen [ fo. 199, 218], that he may attend at the same time, …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 140