
Displaying 121 - 130 of 41844
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the castle of Winchester and the bailiffs of that town, as Peter Westman, a Christian, one of the chirographers … of 20 l. a year in the name of a fee, from the toll of the town of Newcastle on Tyne; and also quittance to him from … to be bailiff of Sandwich, as keeper of the peace in that town, with mandate to the barons and good men thereof to be …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Picheford and Haselbeche with the advowson of the said town ( sic), and in Wirninton with the advowson of the said town, and of 4 knights' fees in Rollesham, Wengrave, … that they may take murage for three years to fortify their town, as the neighbouring cities of those parts have been …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… at 25 l. 7 s. 9 d. yearly, she shall have in the said town of Bliburc 94 acres of arable land of demesne, 6 acres … which is of her own inheritance, the lands in the said town of Gyvele and 9 l. of rent in the said town of Baudresheye, all which are said to be her dower and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Jesus Christ, of a place called Cunstablegalgarthe in the town of Newcastle on Tyne adjoining their close, for the … burgess of Grimmesby, from all tallages assessed upon that town; with mandate to the bailiffs and good men of Grimmesby … la Moleye, William Harding, William de Barewell, Henry de Somers', Richard Herlot, Philip le Marescal of Esehull, and …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… chief in Assele, except the advowson of the church of that town ; and whereas the king afterwards, believing that the … shall be made from the goods of all men of the said town who are of the king's change there. All the goods of the … or make any contributions or tallages assessed in the said town, for ten years. Jan. 14. Northampton. Whereas the lands …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… galliots put in to their port or come elsewhere to their town, to cause them and their favourers to be taken and … of Osbert Giffard as keeper of the peace in the town of Oxford and the parts adjacent, against the king's … ( alivas) and defects of the wall and dyke of the town; and to deepen and dig out the ford below the priory of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… son of Martin, burgess of Suwerc of the customs of the town of Suwere which are of the corpus of the county of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… which they were bringing to their said town, on the coast of Witeby, the sailors and others being in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… certain persons of the forest of Duffeld entered their town and assaulted the men of Nottingham, and wounded some, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for life from prizes, prests and tallages assessed in the town of Northampton. Grant to John Comyn and his heirs of all … city were assembled for a show of arms in defence of that town against the coming of the malefactors of the isle of … heirs shall be for ever quit of tallages assessed in the town of Hereford. July 7. St. Paul's, London. Whereas Maud …
Displaying 121 - 130 of 41844