
Displaying 731 - 740 of 798
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… annexed); 746 l. was owing to him for 20 captives, and Mr. Squibb at his death had 300 l. in hand of the captives' … of a report made to them by Mr. Lowndes and Mr. Robert Squibb, which contains curious information about the captives …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… together with their persons, to be sent to Mr. Scobell, Squibb, and Birket, justices of the peace, who are to proceed … minister of Knightsbridge, referred to Mr. Scobell and Mr. Squibb, to do him justice, and see that peace be preserved in … Jersey referred to the Irish and Scotch Committee. 45. Mr. Squibb to attend Council on Monday. 46. Order on petition of …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… Russell, Edw. Winslow, Josias Berners, Wm. Molins, Art. Squibb, and Rich. Moore until this day, be continued to Moyer, Berners, Squibb, and Moore, with Edw. Cary and Geo. Foxcroft, to 1 … to the indentures of the Mint. 3. Sam. Moyer, and Arthur Squibb, to give the oath enjoined to be taken by …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… examined by Commissary Gen. Whalley, Col. Goffe, and Mr. Squibb, justices of the peace in Westminster, who are to take …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… John FitzJames, Wm. Hussy, John Whiteway, Rich. Bury, Jo. Squibb, Walter Foy, Thos. Gallop, Ed. Butler, Jo. Cheeke, …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… 3 pages. [? About May 12.] 31. Petition of Robert Squibb, clerk to the Right Hon. the Lord Fitzharding, … is added A particular of money disbursed, &c. by Robert Squibb. Received 12 May '97. Minuted:29 Sep r. My Lords see …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… Treasury, on the petition of the executors of Mr. Robert Squibb, deceased, as to the moneys received by Mr. Squibb for redemption of English captives; showing how the …
Calendar of Treasury Papers
… and would recommend for their approbation Mr. Robert Squibb, his first clerk. Dated Windsor, 27 Oct. 1697. 1 page …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… the regulation of the Mint, Blondeau's petition, and Mr. Squibb's proposals, and other petitions concerning the same. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Interregnum
… export. [ I. 75, p. 458.] [July 31.] 75. Petition of Edm. Squibb to the Protector. The late King 29 Jan. 1640 granted my brother, Art. Squibb, jun., of Westminster, the place of a teller of the … [ I. 75, p. 459.] July 31. 77, 78. Petition of Laurence Squibb to the Protector. The late King, by patent of 9 June …
Displaying 731 - 740 of 798