
Displaying 6261 - 6270 of 68489
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… of mandyllons, breeches and stockings, for the French King's soldiers. Given under the signet at Westminster Palace the … was most of their table talk all their supper here.St. Valery's, this 20 of December 1597. P.S.Mons. de Vic, … and other places, so that 2 horses shall do the work of 4.St. Germain en Laye, 26 Dec. 1597. Note at foot that the …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… debts amount to, and by suing his own debtors in the Queen's right he can recover the same to satisfy his creditors and … as may guard the haven and hold out better nor Calais or St. Omer. And for the Mayor, he is able to give you more … next de Vitry. For, though the Constable, Conte de St. Paul, and Monsr. de Beaulieu have name of all in Picardy, …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… dissimulation odious, he earnestly enquired of her Majesty's welfare, daily prayed for her prosperity and victory … all help but only from God, who guided me into the road of St. Martin's in the Isle of Rhe, where I remain until I can … opinion, I shall for ever be bound unto your Honour.At St. Martin's, the 29 of December, 1598. Holograph. Seal. 2 …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… 1599, 1631 December 1599, 1631 Richard Vennard, of Lincoln's Inn, to Sir Robert Cecil. 1599, Dec. 16. Is imprisoned at … fearing it will be his last Christmas with him.Minories, St. Stephen's Day, '99. Holograph. Endorsed :26 Dec. 1599. … having sustained great loss by the French, especially of St. Malos, had a suit for restitution of their goods, and had …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… demands and suits. Some of his creditors, upon Smith's slanders, have exhibited a bill in Chancery against … Dec. 7 Encloses information given by a Dutchman, come from St. Lucas, as to matters in Bayon, Spain and … ships are of the seven that Mr. Pope reports departed from St. Anderes, and it is feared they will do much hurt upon …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… for plain apparel, for the sake of his dead cousin, Cecil's wife, whom Cecil held so precious.Westminster, 16 Dec, … above 2,000 soldiers for Lishborne, which were taken in at St. Lucar. In Sivell, I understand it was then reported that … (being, as it is here supposed, those that departed from St. Anderes) remain still about the Lizard, where they daily …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… take in token of my faithful good will this small New Year's gift, being cousin german to the widow's two mites.At … or named. Never com pounded with Dean, and Sir Anthony St. Leger can testify how he was wronged in that matter. … master and owner, with all the merchants in Bayonne and St. Jean de Luz, can very well testify, having been …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… [1601, Dec. 17.] May it please you to consider my Lord of St. Asaph's dealing with me, or rather not good dealing with you, who … to grant. Undated. Endorsed :17 Dec. 1601. Your Honour's servant Mr. Sharpe. 1 p. ( 90. 6.) Lucie, Marchioness of …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… Mayor of Corcke, to all Mayors, and others her Majesty's officers, ministers and loving subjects.Whereas I have been … to do, being loth to do anything which Cecil would dislike.St. John's St., 28 Dec. 1601. Holograph. 1 p. ( 90. 24.) Sir Thomas Fane …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… Catholics, meaning some of you councillors. The Bishop[s] of this land are idle and more than half blind, for the … Sir Robert Cecil. 1602, Dec. 2. Signifies his good health.St. John's College, Cambridge. Dec. 2, 1602. ( 228. 3.) … the Strait of the Bahamas. The enemy's fleet is at Cape St. Vincent, though it is not thought it can stay there long. …
Displaying 6261 - 6270 of 68489