
Displaying 321 - 330 of 72045
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… July 2. Carlisle. Pardon, at the instance of the prior of St. Mary's, Carlisle, to John de Kirkoswald for the death of Richard … 89 feet in breadth and extending in length from a street called Neugate to the river Humber, at a rent of a …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… the church of Wedon Pynkeny, belonging to the religious of St. Lucien-les-Beauvais ( de Sancto Luciano), of a meadow … paid in the Wardrobe by the hands of Ralph de Manton, king's clerk and cofferer, for Nicholas de Barbeflete, son and … of a messuage in the parish of St. Mary, Bethaghe, in a street called Duuegate, within the city of London, which Hugh …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… York gaol, that he killed him in a fit of madness. By p.s. Nov. 21. Linlithgow. Appointment of Walter de Beysyn, … the said John and Robert, and to be there on the morrow of St. Lucy the Virgin. The like of Richard Talebot to select in … said Richard and Thomas so as to be there by the morrow of St. Lucy the Virgin. Nov. 21. Linlithgow. Writ of aid for the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… port of Suthwaude, co. Suffolk, while he was on the king's service and under his protection in Scotland, and cut into … de Hingham, on complaint by William de Hamelton, dean of St. Peter's, York, that, being in seisin of the custody of … de la Sale of Dover, John le Packere, Thomas, abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, William Huberd, Hugh de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of Ireland, to present Master Gilbert de Ardern, king's clerk, to the first ecclesiastical benefice of not less … to the custody, during pleasure, of the hospital of St. John without the east gate of Oxford. Writ de intendendo … without the Bar of the New Temple, London, in the high street, between a tenement of Thomas le Charrer and one of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… at the instance of Margaret, queen of England, the king's consort, and of Edward, prince of Wales and earl of … John de Rollesby and William de Ormesby, monks of St. Benet's, Hulme, bringing news of the death of N. their … to hold in mortmain a messuage and nine cottages in the street ( vico) of Holeburn, in the suburb of the city of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… 20. June 28. Tilbury. Grant to Stephen de Brawode, king's clerk, of the prebend which Master Thomas de Cherlton had in the church of St. Andrew, Wells, in the king's gift by reason of the … the other nuns serving God and St. John the Baptist in a street called Saint Jonestrete, in the suburb of Cork, of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… a year as soon as one shall fall vacant. By pet. under p.s. Feb. 23. Morpeth. Pardon, by reason of his service in … in mortmain to him, by William de Hamelton, dean of St. Peter's, York, and John de Merkyngfeld, clerk, of a … divine service daily in the church there in honour of St. Mary the Virgin. By fine made at the Exchequer. March 5. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… for not keeping their promise, which they made at the king's request, to send each a ship in aid of the Scotch war, … thereof to Master Walter de Heselshagh, dean of St. Andrews, Wells, elected in that cathedral church to be … have letters of licence to elect. By p.s. Sept. 24. St. Radegund's. Safe-conduct, until the feast of St. Andrews, …
Displaying 321 - 330 of 72045