
Displaying 91 - 100 of 76889
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Michael le Kenebalton to be master of the hospital of St. Mary, Dover, by the brethren thereof; and mandate to … Oxford from the gate called 'Watergate,' in the parish of St. Ebba, to the little postern of the wall towards the … prise. Simple protection, for one year from SS. Philip and James, for the abbot and convent of St. Augustine's, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… cause jurors to come before them. MEMBRANE 9 d. March 9. St. Edmunds. Appointment of Henry de Ferlegh and Nicholas de … bailiffs of Kermerthin, inasmuch as A. sometime bishop of St. Davids, proffered the king's charter whereby it was … the Chaplain of the chantry in the hospital of St. James without Chichester, with 2 d. a day from the sheriff of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for one year for the master, brethren and sisters of St. Bartholomew's, Gloucester. Nov. 20. Marlborough. Pardon … of Robert son of Amaury at Lutegareshale on Saturday after St. Katherine's of 45 l. in part payment of the relief which … Holy Cross, 1249, by R. the abbot and the convent of Mont St. Michel to William de Chaeny, knight, of the whole island …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Leodegario) the Chaplain of the chantry in the hospital of St. James without Chichester, with 2 d. a day from the sheriff of … Hardel. The like of Gilbert de Stebenheth to that of St. Mary Graslane, Gloucester, in the diocese of Worcester. …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… v Bagge 125 COOKE V BAGGE William Cooke of Thorne, Ottery St Mary, co. Devon, esq v John Bagg of Ottery St Mary, co. Devon, miller October 1639 Ottery St Mary, with the parish church of St Mary in the foreground. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… given power and special mandate to J. cardinal priest of St. Laurence in Lucina to provide in his place for … Power to the king's first-born son Edward to promise James, bishop of Bologna, nuncio of Pope Alexander IV, that … John Maunsel and others of the Council. Saturday before St. Nicholas. Windsor. Whereas at the mandate of Master …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Oct. 30. Marwell. Appointment during pleasure of James de Audithele to the keeping of the town and castle of … archdeacon of Wells, to the wardenship of the hospital of St. Cross without Winchester, in the king's gift by reason of … of P. Chaceporc, king's clerk, to the wardenship of St. Cross, without Winchester, which belongs to the king, as …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… term for the brethren and sisters of the hospital of St. John the Baptist, Andevre. Jan. 5. Westminster. … of the royal assent to the election of John, prior of St. Swithun's, Winchester, to be abbot of Peterborough. Jan. … of the treasurership of Ireland from SS. Philip and James, 28 Henry III, to Easter, 34 Henry III, to L. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… ( Album Monasterium) on Sunday after the Octaves of St. Hilary. Prohibition of a tournament to be held at … them. MEMBRANE 4 d. July 1. Marlborough. Commission to James de Aldidele, William de Oddinges[eles], Robert de … Clifton to deliver the gaol of Worcester on the morrow of St. Giles at Worcester; with mandate to the sheriff of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Quit-claim to William, the prior, and the convent of St. Swithun's, Winchester, of all the debts due to the king … which is void, of the stewardship of the priory of St. Swithun, Winchester. Mandate to the said prior and … six years, which Richard, abbot of Westminster, made to James Offreduc and Reyner Barboti and their fellows, citizens …
Displaying 91 - 100 of 76889