
Displaying 401 - 410 of 57271
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Nov. 24. Knaresborough. The like for Geoffrey son of Hugh de Weston subtus Egge and William his brother, chaplain, to … said Godfrey Giffard, without licence. The like for Thomas de Weston subtus Egge, clerk, to retain a messuage and … to Robert son of John Patrikmagh, Walter son of Henry de Mount, John son of Roger le Bouman and Thomas his brother, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Inge and Nicholas Fermbaud, on complaint by William de Belvero, master of the house of St. Mark, Billeswyk by … the voidance of the house after the cession of Robert de Radinges, late master, entered the manors and mills of the … them. Nov. 24. Knaresborough. Association of Lambert de Thrikingham in a commission of oyer and terminer directed …
Tenants' copies of court rolls before 1400
… tag or seal. Folds on left side and below Ad curiam de la Nywelond tentam die Lune proxime post festum … eodem ingrediendo videlicet ij solidos per plegium roberti de Sydelinges et Ricardi le Rede. Translation At the court of … the lord for entry into the same 2 s. by pledge of Robert de Sydelinges and Richard le Rede. [ Sherborne Newland manor. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of York, and in consideration of a fine made by Miles de Stapelton before the treasurer and barons of the … the instance of the prior of St. Mary's, Carlisle, to John de Kirkoswald for the death of Richard son of Simon de Hoton and of his outlawry for the same. By K., on the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Confirmation of a grant in frank almoin by Henry de Pynkeny, brother and heir of Robert de Pinkeny, to the church of Wedon Pynkeny, belonging to the religious of St. Lucien-les-Beauvais ( de Sancto Luciano), of a meadow called Blakhegge in Wedon …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… of German us le Ko, as it appears by the record of Adam de Crokedayk and Thomas de Metham, justices appointed to deliver York gaol, that he … By p.s. Nov. 21. Linlithgow. Appointment of Walter de Beysyn, Richard de Harlegh, and John de Heranvill to …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… touching the persons who carried away the goods of Ralph de Monte Hermer, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, out of his … Gille, John Nicol, Adam Gurdun of Ichene and Nicholas de Wylteshire, shepherd, for the death of William le Poer, … Nov. 24. Linlithgow. The like to William Inge and Hervey de Staunton touching the persons who carried away the goods …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Wogan, justiciary of Ireland, to present Master Gilbert de Ardern, king's clerk, to the first ecclesiastical benefice … Safe-conduct, until Whitsunday, for Adam Gurdon and John de Inchemartyn, knights, Masters Nicholas de Balmil and Thomas de Bonnequil, clerks, of the realm of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward I
… Windsor. The like to the same in conjunction with Ralph de Verly. By K. Mandate in pursuance to William But, keeper … Safe-conduct, for one year, for Stephen le Meu, whom John de Drokenesford, king's clerk, keeper of the wardrobe, is … to the wardrobe. Nov. 23. Maidenhead. ( Elynton.) John de Rollesby and William de Ormesby, monks of St. Benet's, …
Displaying 401 - 410 of 57271