
Displaying 111 - 120 of 45748
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 30. Oxford. Grant to Peter de Monte Forti, keeper of the manor of Ellesmere, of murage for the town of Ellesmere for … Peter son of Simon, and Nigel de Bosco, to keep the manor of Brehull, from the Assumption, 42 Henry III, until …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and Robert de Creppinges have been appointed to extend the manor of Esingwaud with its member of Hoby, co. York, so that … Geoffrey le Poer, Robert Bacun, and Henry Asehmay, of the manor of Ludinglaund, unjustly take in the port of Gernemue … and that the said John fiz la Persone and other men of the manor of Luthingland have complained that the said burgesses …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the mag nates of the council, of the wardship of the manor of Weston, co. Southampton, late of Patrick de … the sheriff of Southampton to give him seisin of the said manor with the issues received since he took it into the … de Wintonia to the separate tithes of Echeneswell in the manor of Clere which Andrew de Branford lately deceased had …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to build ( de novo construere) and fortify a castle at his manor of Manhale, co Essex, and another castle at his manor of Suthwaude co. Suffolk. Memorandum that on Friday the … into a precedent. Commitment to Peter de Monteforti of the manor of Stretton, to keep until Whitsunday with the castle …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… manors of Dylun, Lugwardyn and Mawerdyn, co. Hereford; the manor of Bere, co. Dorset; and the manors of Redlegh and … frequent complaints by Walter de la Le, man of the king's manor of Bremmesgrave, of trespasses and injuries done to him … the sheriff of Worcester to provide jurors, as well of the manor of Bremmesgrave, as of the townships of Beleg, Jordele, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the house of the said John to their own inns in the High Street, Richard Brun, Ralph ( sic) Brun, John Brun, Philip … plead and sue his right in the king's name touching the manor of Dodinton before the king in his court against the … from the said prior in the king's court in respect of the manor. By R. earl of Gloucester, J. Mansel and R. Walerand. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Rutland that, whereas the king lately caused the manor of Empingham in that county and of the manors of … to her land to the yearly value of 15 l. 13 d. in the manor of Empingham and in the other manors land to the value … Eleanor, countess of Leicester, the king's sister, of the manor of Gunthorp, co. Nottingham, with the soke and other …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… him to fight and called him 'base lyeing knave' in the street before a crowd of people. Process was granted on 15 … provocation in the month of March last past, in the open street before a great company of people there mett together, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… departed, 5 marks yearly of land or rent out of his manor of Gretton, co. Northampton, which he holds in chief, … de Sancto Mauro, in extension of the grant to him of the manor of Pulton, co. Wilts, for five years from Michaelmas, … Henry III, in lieu of his fee of 20 l. a year, of the said manor for a further term of eleven years. July 26. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Cantil[upo] and John son of John son of Geoffrey of [the manor of] Esegerston. co. Berks, except the advowson of the church of the said manor. Nov. 3. Westminster. Protection with clause, from … Licence for Robert de Bello Campo to let to farm his manor of Schepton co. Somerset, which he holds in chief, for …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 45748