
Displaying 71 - 80 of 117
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… divers counties, 92. Brouns. See Bruns. Brounyng, Hugh, of Sutterton, co. Lincoln, 142. -, -, Thomas, of Sutterton, son of, 142. -, Nicholas, glover, 674. -, Stephen, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… 28. -, -, paternostrer, 484. -, - son of William, of Sutterton, 505. -, Lawrence, 522. -, Richard, 137, 246, 379. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… John de, 646. Dovre, John de, 617. Dowdyke, Douedyk, Sutterton [co. Lincoln], 306. Dower, assignments of, 45, 50, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward II
… Isabella de, 84. -, Philip de, 298. Dowdyke, Douedyk [Sutterton, co. Lincoln], 143. Dower, assignments of, 105, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward II
… merchants of, 159. Sorel, Robert, 68. Soterton. See Sutterton. Sotherel, brother Richard le, 591. Sothulle, … de, 352. Sothworth, Gilbert de, 232. Sotterton. See Sutterton. Souche. See Zouche. Souden. See Southdean. Soues, … 99. Suthynkham, Master John de Spanneby, parson of, 238. Sutterton, Sotterton, Soterton [co. Lincoln], 85, 532. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II
… Sote, Peter, 347. Sotehill. See Sothill. Soterton. See Sutterton. Sotheroun, Thomas, 468. -, -, Joan wife of, 468. … Tidworth. Suthwales. See Wales. Suthwerk. See Southwark. Sutterton, Soterton, co. Lincoln, 142. Sutton, 123. -, Sutton …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward IV
… the king's attorney, 339, 460, 602, 667. Soterton. See Sutterton. Sottewerk. See Southwark. Soturton. See Sutterton. Soulton, Sulton [co. Salop], manor, 487. Souter, … Thomas, of Paddington, 1091. Suthwyk. See Southwick. Sutterton, Soturton, Soterton [co. Lincoln], 91, 981. Sutton …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Henry VI
… gentleman, 52. Sotard, John, shipowner, 312. Soterton. See Sutterton. Sotehill, Henry, esquire, 62, 789. Souche, Peter, … Suthwhaddon. See Whaddon. Suthwyk. See Southwick. Sutterton, Soterton [co. Lincoln], 278. Sutton [co. Essex], …
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII
… or Suthewel. See Southwell. Suthwyke. See Southwick. Sutterton, Linc., i. g. 125 (13). Sutton, Derb., i. g. 465 …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… See Radcliffe, Thomas. Sutcliffe, Dr., Judge Martial, 425. Sutterton, George, office of receivership asked for, 270. …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 117