
Displaying 61 - 70 of 55263
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 30 HENRY III. MEMBRANE 10. 1245. Oct. 30. Chester. Pardon to Martin le Parker of his outlawry for the dismembering of … ( virilia) he cut off; with the usual condition. Grant to Philip le Bret of 10 l. 9 s. 2 d. which he is bound to pay … the king's affairs. Nov. 8. Worcester. Protection without term for the abbot of Cumbermare, for himself, his house, his …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 1245. Jan. 6. Westminster. Grant to Silvester de Everdon of the archdeaconry of Chester, in … MEMBRANE 8. Jan. 14. Westminster. Protection without term for the abbot and convent of la Deucress in Ulster. Jan. … so that the king's deer can freely enter and leave. May 3. Reading. Prohibition of a tournament to be held at Brackele …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Guildford. The prior and convent of Shireburn have licence to elect, by Laurence de Bradeford and Walter de Poundelarch, … out of the lands and chattels of the said Jew. Nov. 2. Reading. Mandate to J. son of Geoffrey, justiciary of … of Salisbury to do their part herein. Protection, without term, for the canons of the church of St. Michael, Peneriz ( …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 1246. Jan. 2. Merton. Grant to Hugh Giffard of the custody of the land and heirs of Adam … of St. Giles without London for 60 s. of Michaelmas term, 29 Henry III, of the king's appointed alms ; and for … exceed the height which it had when the king left. Feb. 3. Reading. Royal assent to the election of Roger, sacristan of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Protection for Richard de Radinges, king's serjeant, gone to Ireland to stay there on the king's service, so long as he … of the land of Ireland 100 marks, to wit, 50 marks of the term of Michaelmas. 30 Henry III, and 50 marks of the same term, 31 Henry III, of the 50 marks which he was accustomed …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the church of Lugwardin. Jan. 9. Westminster. Royal assent to the election of Agnes de la Ferere, nun of Shaftesbury, to … of Chichester, gone to Pontigny. Protection, without term, for the abbot and convent of Neweham. Feb. 18. Windsor. … verderers, regarders and their ministers. May 8. Reading. The like to the prior and convent of Finnesheved as …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… feast of the Holy Innocents, by order of the king restored to Geoffrey de Lezinan [ reclius John de Lexinton] at … of the money at the appointed terms. Protection, without term, for the abbot of Kelchou. Grant to the king's brother … behalf, to the bailiff of the earl of Norfolk. May 9. Reading. Bond to the king's brother, William de Valence, in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 6d, 3d 1248. MEMBRANE 11 d. [Jan. 9. Westminster.] Grant to Hugh de Vivona, son of Hugh de Vivona, who has taken to wife the daughter of William de Putot that if the said … there, and if the said Peter make default at any term, the said barons shall cause the same distraint to be …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 9, 8 34 HENRY III. MEMBRANE 9. Nov. 3. Canterbury. Grant to R. earl of Cornwall, that if Peter de Sabaudia die before … for his debts until the earl be satisfied in full. Grant to W. de Ferrariis, earl of Dereby, of the 100 l. which the … that the sheriffs have orders to distrain them. Nov. 13. Reading. Simple protection for six years for Raymond Makeyn, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 MEMBRANE 9. Oct. 31. Windsor. Grant to Matthew Bezil and his assigns of the custody and marriage … there, and if the said Peter make default at any term, the said barons shall cause the same distraint to be … any prejudice or damage accrue to them thereby. May 17. Reading. Mandate to Peter de Burmingham to send to the king …
Displaying 61 - 70 of 55263