
Displaying 62611 - 62620 of 62666
Survey of London
… York Place CHAPTER 1: YORK PLACE Towards the end of the twelth century Richard of Ely (also known as … Hubert de Burgh, 6 justiciar of England, and afterwards Earl of Kent. It was in or about the year 1223 7 that the … laid by them ready to be seen. Thus everything being brought into good order and furnished, he gave the charge of …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… and Elizabeth his wife, sister and heir of Thomas Aleynson The moiety of 8 messuages with lands in Calton, Northby in … kt., Thomas Louell, kt., Jo Mordaunt, serjeant at law to the king, James Hobert, Richard Emson, and Thomas Lucas … and Frysby. 15045 HILARY TERM, 20 HENRY VII. George, Earl of Salop, Henry Barnbull, clerk, and Thomas Wortley, kt. …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Hilton and Hoton. 1511 MICHAELMAS TERM, 3 HENRY VIII. ** The King Katherine Courtney, Countess of Devon, one of the … Cregilston. ** William, Archbishop of Canterbury, George, Earl of Salop, Thomas, Earl of Derby, William Gascoigne, kt., …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Wentworth and Elizabeth his wife 2 messuages, &c., in the city and suburbs of York. JohnConstabull, esq., and … for all tenants and farmers in Sandwath and for all cattle to the aforesaid lands.. John Lacy, junr., gent., Nicholas … in the parish of Bradford. Thomas Johnson Henry, Earl of Northumberland Manor of Letheley and 10 messuages …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Boleyn, kt., and Ann his wife Manor of Howghton upon the hill als. Hoghton, and 20 messuages with lands in the … one moiety, of which, on the death of Katherine remains to John Wade and Alice West and their lawful issue, and … Weston, kt., Prior of St. John Jerlm in Angl: Henry, Earl of Cumbr: A garden, &c., in Cleving. Henry Wyat, kt., …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… Belthorpe and 5 messuages with lands in Thorpe in Balme in the parish of Sandall. Roger Cholmeley de Rokesby, kt. Robert … Flokton, South Hyndeley, and Over Shitlyngton, to be held to Tristram and Alice for their lives, and after … Percehey, esq. Lands in Ryton. The King Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland Manors of Tadcaster, Helagh, …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… of West Harlesey, Upsall, Thornbargh, Notton, Aynderby w t the Steple, Skelton, Halykeld, Costerdale, and Oversylton, … Tease in Thorpe which remain, after the death of Isabel, to William Carr, the son and heir of Ralph Carr. John Jackson … and Markyngton. William Babthorp, junr. Thomas, Earl of Rutland 2 messuages with lands in Naborne and …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… of pasture, of which, after a term of one month, remain to Robert and Ann his wife, and their lawful issue, and … his lawful issue, and failing such, to his lawful heirs. The manor and remaining portion, after a term of one month, … Morwynge 3 messuages with lands in Sledmer. Francis, Earl of Salop Nicholas Strylley, kt. 4 messuages with lands …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… with lands in Sutton, Glusburne, and Collyng, within the Lordship of Stothill in Craven, the portion of which, … the deaths of William Grave and Juliana his wife, remain to Michael Grave, his son and heir apparent, and his lawful … in Rysheworthe, and Barkysland. William Grymston Henry, Earl of Roteland 4 messuages and 2 cottages with lands in …
Feet of Fines of the Tudor period [Yorks]
… of Robert Skerne, esq. Christopher Ayscoughe, esq., and the same Robert Skerne, esq., and Johanna his wife 10 … Messuage, &c., in the city of York. ** The Queen Henry, Earl of Westm[orlan]d, K.G. An annual rent of 194 s issuing … in Southowrome, which, after a term of one week, remain to Richard Otes for a term of 60 years, next following, at a …
Displaying 62611 - 62620 of 62666