
Displaying 6681 - 6690 of 6704
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… a captain of dragoons, and she has children to maintain. I desire she may be put into the list of officers' widows … county of Gloucester. There are a great many new members. I believe there will be in all about 200. I have a letter from Madrid of the 1323 July, which says the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… upon a division since the first concerning the Speaker. I send you enclosed a list of the public Bills passed in … peace, or truce, being signed between the Emperor and the Turks. Yesterday, being the princess's birthday, there was a … conclusion of the peace concluded at Carlovitz with the Turks, and will prepare to ratify the same. On Wednesday …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… 1696 June 1. Dublin. Lord Chancellor Porter to Mr. Vernon. I have enclosed a letter to the Lords Justices, giving them … as Justices. According to the statute of Henry VIII, I have issued writs for summoning the council to choose one … ships proper for it are sent away; to set forth how the Turks' trade is provided for, and what may be done for the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… Harrison to [J. Vernon]. This afternoon we came here, and I thank God we have neither been disturbed by the weather or … 8, 1697, to Aug. 10, 1698: [ e.g.] duties paid to the Turks at their festivals of Bairam and Corban, 420 dollers: … Act demands it only for the time of the last war with the Turks, which tho' long since ended the money is still …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… 1. Whitehall. Ja. Vernon to Ld. Ambassador Williamson. I have to-day received your letters of the 4th and 7th inst. … late in the service of his Imperial Majesty against the Turks, having a certificate from Monr. Heemskirke; and to … Majesty wishes. The mediation of your Majesty, which the Turks have requested in order to make peace, and which the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… 3. Whitehall. Ja. Vernon to capt. Yates, at Gravesend. I am informed that the Lady Cartwright, a papist, went this … and that she travels very privately by another name. I have sent Mr. Legat, one of H.M. messengers, who with a … and a bomb vessel in Dunkirk harbour, as they say for the Turks, and they will certainly be out the next spring tide. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… May 1. Admiral Russell to the Lords of the Admiralty. I have received your letter, in which were enclosed the … Norris, Grantham, and Cornwallis. During my being abroad I had this matter particularly enquired into. Captain … it was to be feared that they would prey likewise on the Turks, or at least violate the privilege of their ports, and …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… are like to stay till towards the end of this week, and I believe his Majesty will pass most of his time in this … reckon at about 600,000. As for the Bill about the grants I hear no talk of it at present, so it is probable it will be … desire may succeed in that vicarage when it is vacant, I am to send their request to your Grace, to consider whether …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… Sir William Trumbull to the Lords of the Admiralty. I have received a second letter from Mr. Leyoncrona about … by virtue of the treaties between the two countries. I leave it to you to consider whether, at this time, when the … trading in those parts, it being the usual practice of the Turks to lay their hands indifferently upon the persons and …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… satisfied with this answer, so no more was said of it. I suppose the Irish Parliament is adjourned till the 20th of … Methuen, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, to [James Vernon]. I have opened the letter of the Lords Justices of England to … inst. If they have anything to offer for preventing the Turks in the future from pretending to enlarge the limits of …
Displaying 6681 - 6690 of 6704