
Displaying 31 - 40 of 63933
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… eodem die, quam Johannes de Bunchesham aramiavit versus H. comitem Warewici et Radulfum Dispensatorem, de tenemento … ultimum reditum domini J. regis etc.' ponitur 'a tempore H. regis avi nostri.' Mandatum est Thome de Muleton et … sua, habendas et tenendas de me et heredibus meis dicto H. et heredibus suis, vel cuicumque eas dare vel assignare …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… est vicecomiti Norfolkie etc. Teste ut supra. Falk'.Rex H. cantori Trecensi, salutem. Ut certi sitis de quieta … et procurationem dilecti et fidelis nostri nobilis viri H. de Trublevill, senescalli nostri in Wasconia, et Magistri … est vicecomiti Staffordie etc. Teste ut supra. These two names are substituted for 'S de Malo Leone et W. de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Norhumberlande etc. Hec est conventio facta inter H. regem illustrem Anglie ex una parte et Gyraldum … rerum ad idem castrum pertinentium. Hiis testibus, H. de Burgo, etc. Radulfo de Trublevill, H. de Nevill, W. de … rege, apud Westmonasterium, v die Novembris. The last two names are substituted for Willelmus Esturmy et Rannulfus …
The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640
… of John's commissioners, Francis Cobb, challenged whether two of Christopher's commissioners, William Carlisle and John … an aisle in Sigglesthorne church, where there were two monuments to them: Thomas Constable, esq, d.1456 and 'a … on theire oaths'. Stephen Thompson was an East Riding J.P.; Francis Carlyle and Stephen Thompson had good estates in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Willelmus de Hanifeld et Robertus de Hulmo [ The last two names substituted for 'Adam de Falesham et Walterus de … in tres septimanas, quam Johannes le Eir aramiavit versus H. abbatem de Ramese de quodam fossato levato in Kingesdelf … Ortiay, qui habet milites suos. Philippus de Pyrie, cum H. de Burgo. Willelmus de Crepping. Adam de Birinton. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… have full seisin thereof. Nov. 7. Westminster. Mandate to H. de Vivona, seneschal of Gascony, to cause safe-conduct to … men of Dymmoc of the town of Dymmoc, to hold at farm for two years from Michaelmas, in the sixteenth year, at a rent … Nov. 11. Lambeth. Acknowledgment of the receipt by P. de Rivallis on Wednesday before Martinmas, 17 Henry III, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Teste rege, apud Windlesor, xj die Maii. [m.7 d] H. rex etc. omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint, … for 'Rogerus le Poher, Ivo de Bello Campo.' The last two names are substituted for ' Willelmus Russel et Willelmus de Wasseburn.' These two names are substituted for ' Adam de Winkethley.' …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… London. Grant to the citizens of Winchester of murage for two years from Christmas, 18 Henry III, by the same words and … the eve of St. Andrew, 18 Henry III, by the hand of P. de Rivallis of 176 l. 17 s. 10 d., which Richard de … for his maintenance in the king's service; with mandate to H. de Vivona to give him full seisin of the said land at once …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… a year for the maintenance of himself, his wife and boys. Mandate to H. de Vivona, seneschal of Gascony, to cause him to have the same. Request to P. duke of Brittany and earl of Richmond, to lend the king … deliver them to him. March 14. Kempton. Safe-conduct, for two years from Easter next, for Gocelin de Rolers, merchant …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to the men of the boroughs, demesnes and wardships of P. de Rivallis, the treasurer, in the counties of Buckingham, … king's forest of Dene fifteen mares with their issues of two years, on condition that they shall not be removed … others at metayage or at farm as he prefers. The like for H. de Trubleville as to the lands of William de Monte Acuto, …
Displaying 31 - 40 of 63933