
Displaying 81 - 90 of 30297
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Despenser. Henry de Pinkeny. John Hardele. William Murdac. Walter de Bradele. Master William, the queen's cook. Robert … de Boxe. Emery Pecche. Giles de Wodeham. Mathew Bezill. Walter de Langele. John de Gatesden. Eudo la Zuche. Thomas … Alice de Luton, nurse of Edward. John le Chamberlain. Walter de Everesle. Roger de Breaute. John de London. William …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of 25 marks of rent as soon as there is an opportunity. Walter de Werth and Robert le Bel, canons of Oseneye, … to law and the custom of the land of Ireland, which Walter de Lacy, sometime lord of the said lands, had without … John Clarel, to William de Heseley, for the death of Walter de Wintonia, and of any consequent outlawry. The like, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Essex and Hereford, to Walter de Falconer for receiving Robert le Escot, an outlaw. … land, the wardship of the land and heirs of William son of Walter de Merk with the marriage, which the king had … in Gascony, to Ralph son of Hugh de Legh for the death of Walter le Chesknave, upon like inquisition. Jan. 19. Merton. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. Appointment of Walter de Ludham to keep the manor of Gunethorp with the soke …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… ( Hostiarium), David de Lyndese; William de Brechin, Walter de Murrevya, Robert de Mesneres, Hugh Giffard, Walter le Senescal, John de Crauford, Hugh de Crauford, … Pardon to Thomas Mungon for the death of Laurence son of Walter de Sneynton, as it appears by inquisition made before …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… warranty. Witnesses : Ralph de Kammeys, Henry de Bretton, Walter de Wassingle, knights, John de Aylington, Ralph de … de Meysy, for five years. William Comyn, of Hereford. Walter de Tranele, Roger de Hereford, Henry de Penbrugg, … Dyrinton, for three years from the Assumption, of Lincoln. Walter de Reggingewyk, of Worcester. Osbert de Cromelin, of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… abbot of Westminster, to William le Megre for the death of Walter de Passeham. Jan. 8. Westminster Simple protection, … the said Robert, William his son, Alexander de Wandesle, Walter de Ufton, John de Scarlet, Simon le Porter, Henry le … life, at the instance of William Belet, king's yeoman, of Walter son of Gilbert de Thorp from being put on assizes, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… seas from Deutaytus Guillelmi and Baldesus, John and Walter Martell, fellows of the said Deutaitus, citizens and … throughout the forest of Windsor. Exemption, for life, of Walter de Ebroicis from being put on assizes, juries or … church of Aston. Aug. 1. Hereford. Exemption, for life, of Walter de Eylesford from being put on assizes, juries or …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… king with letters patent of their chapter. Presentation of Walter de Kerthington to the vicarage of the church of St. … 12. Westminster. Simple protection, until Michaelmas, for Walter de Wahull going to Santiago. The like, without term, … in chief, with the marriage of the heirs. Exemption of Walter de Wassingle from being put on assizes, juries or …
Displaying 81 - 90 of 30297