
Displaying 71 - 80 of 34309
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Jan. 2. Windsor. Richard le Norreys, subprior of Bath, and Robert de Rading, almoner of Bath, with letters patent of … constable of Windsor, John Walerand, constable of the Tower of London, and Simon de Creye, constable of Rochester, … Hugh de Basing', clerk, as keeper of all the works in the Tower of London. Simple protection for one year for Herman de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… John Waleraund, Roger de la Leye, William de Haselbecche, and Walter Hervy to view from whom and in what manner the … all his jewels and other precious things as well in the Tower of London as in the abbey to Westminster be delivered … best, so that they remain in the legate's keeping in the Tower. Touching the tenth granted to the king, the king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… the justices about to go on eyre in the counties of Essex and Hertford to deliver to the sheriff of those counties the … the king is bound to him of arrears for his keeping of the Tower of London. Pardon to Robert Baynard and John Scalun for … de la Lynde and John Walerand, sometime keepers of the Tower of London, that they shall receive the 77 l. 8 s. which …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 23. March 14. Westminster. Appointment of Roger de Somery and Hugh de Turbevill to go to the March and view and hear … much as William rendered. Mandate to the constable of the Tower of London and of the castle of Wydesouer, and others … Commitment during pleasure to Thomas de Ippegrave of the Tower of London and the city of London, so that he answer for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Canterbury. Vacated because the letters were surrendered and cancelled; and otherwise in the following roll.. Safe … of the said goods; with mandate to the constable of the Tower of London and all bailiffs to permit them to bring the … for the time that he was with the legate within the Tower of London. Mandate to the bishop of Lincoln and the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… May 3. Windsor. Grant to Stephen de Eddewurth of the manor and forest of Clarendon to keep during pleasure, so that he … the past. Mandate to William de Dun to deliver the manor and forest to him. Writ de intendendo to the foresters and … there; with mandate in pursuance to the constable of the Tower, the keepers and bailiffs of London and all others. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… from being put on assizes, juries or recognitions, and from being made sheriff, &c., against his will. … the king's escheat before the justices then in eyre at the Tower of London, and that the king can give them to whom he … of letters patent of Edward the king's son, dated at the Tower of London, 9 April, 53 Henry III, granting to the abbot …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… de Vernun of the county of Stafford to the king's grace and peace and remission to him of the king's indignation and … Windsor. Commission to Hugh son of Otto, constable of the Tower of London and keeper of the city as follows. Whereas … chests of the chirographers of the Jews in the city and Tower of London, and to view and inspect charters and
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… detained in the king's prison of the Flete for homicides and robberies and, being demanded as a clerk by R. bishop of … Edward the king's son, to whom the king committed the Tower of London, to keep in a form provided between them, has … Philip, to whom Edward, the king's son, has committed the Tower of London with the keeping of the Jewry and of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… R. Walerand reciting that whereas some serious contentions and discords have arisen amongst the king's men of Dunwich whereby peril may easily arise to the king and the parts adjoining that town on account of which the … is bound to him of the time when he had the keeping of the Tower of London; and to certify the king of the said John's …
Displaying 71 - 80 of 34309