
Displaying 111 - 120 of 189
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… Sloo; Stone; Tounende; Twyheye; Virie; Vyne; Walle; Ware; Watre; Welle; Wode; Wolde; Wyke; Yate; Yurd. Atwick, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… See; Seler; Shute; Solere; Strete; Thornes; Tye; Watere; Watre; Well; Werthen; Weye; Wich; Wille; Wode; Wolde; Wyke; …
Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, London
… 368 William, 368, 563 Isabella, wife of, 368, 563 Atte Watre, Robert, 453 Johanna, mother of, 453 Atte Welde, John, …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… Touneshende, William, 138 Atte Vygne, Richard, 74 Atte Watre, John, 135, 157 - - John, son of, 135 - - Thomas, son … Geoffrey de, 119 - Thomas de, son of William atte Watre de Ewelle, 167, 168 - Walter de, 163, 168 - William de, …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… Atte Watergate, Alan, 228 - - Matilda, wife of, 228 Atte Watre, Atte Watere, Alan, 258 - John, 69 - - Isabella, wife … 26, 80, 93, 193 - - the King's Serjeant, 152, 153 See also Watre. Atte Way, Tideman, de Grippeswold, 119, 120 Atte … daughter of, 69 - - Isabella, relict of, wife of John atte Watre, 69 Bedefonte, Walter de, 128 Bedeford, Alan de, 90 - - …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… Atte Walle, Nicholas, 362 Atte Water, Roger, 17, 61 Atte Watre, Adam, 125, 239 Atte Welle, Richard, 202, 291, 318, 388 …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… 146, 149, 156 See also Vine. Atte Walle, Thomas, 212 Atte Watre, Atte Watere, Gamel, 121 - - John, called "Gamel," son …
London Possessory Assizes
… William, 244 Waryn, John, 262 Waryner, Thomas, 129 Water, Watre: Adam atte, 160 John atte, 247, see also Attewater … Watlyngton, Robert, attorney, 127 (p. 46), 1778 Watre, see Water Watson: Francis, 278 John, attorney, 274 …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… for keep ing, in the City, 211, 212, 213, 286, 287, 292 Watre, John atte, 135, 157 - - John, son of, 135 - - Thomas, …
Calendar of letter-books of the city of London
… widow of, 83 - Simon de, 95 Watlingestrete, 259, 263 Watre, Watere, Alan atte, 258 - John atte, 69 - - Isabella, …
Displaying 111 - 120 of 189