
Displaying 34111 - 34120 of 35005
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
… or vessel bound into the Mediterranean or elsewhere in the way of the Algerine cruisers until it shall appear that their … but don't in the least perceive that your Lordship is any way concerned therein. Ibid. William Lowndes to the …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… 606 l. 5 s. 0 d. to Francis Nicholson for three months by way of advance from Dec. 25 last on his 2,425 l. per an. for … Book VIII, p. 273. Endorsement by Treasurer Oxford, by way of warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt, for the payment … of the Pells are to charge said sums on said Treasurers by way of memorandum in the Imprest Rolls or Certificates which …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… which with 606 l. 5 s. 0 d. before issued to him by way of advance is for one year to 1713 Dec. 25 on his 2,425 … My Lord desires you to advise the most speedy and proper way for vesting the said annuities in such person or persons … in the 12th year of her reign for raising 500,000 l. by way of a Lottery upon credit of the Civil List revenues for …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… several sums amounting in all to 2,959 l. 10 s. 8 d. by way of return, but he soon after failed and withdrew himself, … or allowing to the Usher of the Receipt any bills by way of liberate for works done or necessaries delivered to … same to pay 50 l. to the Countess Dowager of Cassillis by way of advance for 1714 June 24 quarter on her annuity or …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… before the Lord Treasurer so that he may see whether this way of realising is more advantageous than remitting [from …
Calendar of Treasury Books
Calendar of Treasury Books
… been worn out in the service & few of them have any other way of livelihood. We therefore propose to substitute 12 … of the produce of such revenues with the sums due by way of Equivalent from the commencement of the Union to 1708 …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… of process as they are now by the help of friends put in a way to answer her Majesty in time. Reference Book VIII, p. …
Calendar of Treasury Books
… boundaries, records, escripts and muniments) in any way concerning the offices held by William Young there which … wall and then turning northwards and bounded west by the way leading from St. James's Park to St. James's Palace and …
Displaying 34111 - 34120 of 35005