
Displaying 4741 - 4750 of 4795
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… petition of Mr. Pigot against Sir R. Cullenmy Ld. and Mr. H. went out and fought in St. James's Square in the dark, and … returned back to the committee. I don't hear but that Mr. H. is like to do well. Endorsed, R. 515. 4 pp. [ S.P. 32. 9. … 15. Kensington. Warrant to present Josias Alsop, clerk, B.D., to the rectory of Rendelsham, co. Suffolk, in the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… 122.] Warrant reciting that, by the precognition taken by H.M. advocate of the slaughter of Robert Burnet by James … suppose Mr. Hume has brought you a bill from Mr. Robinson, H.M. resident at Stockholm, for 2800. There may be an … require you to grant the office of clerk or keeper unto A. B., and that you set out some convenient place in Dublin …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… the usual form, for requiring all Romish priests, who are H.M. subjects, forthwith to depart the kingdom and not to … [ Endorsed by Vernon] R. 2 Feb. 99. [ Ibid. ff. 1718.] ( b) I understand you have been prating concerning those papers … extraordinary expenses at Tripoli of Nathaniel Lodington, H.M. agent and consul there: viz. Jan., 1698, 200 dollers the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… to the Admiralty. Referring to your memorial of Jan. 17, H.M. approves of your proposal that the two hulks at Cadiz, "employed in the careening and cleaning H.M. ships in those parts," should be destroyed. [ Annexed] … Princess Anne's regiment of foot commanded by Col. John Webbe, being lately dead, we desire you will move H.M. on …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… before the king. It is his pleasure that you consider what H.M. may do of himself for the defence of the plantations, … relating to unlawful trades in those parts [etc.], H.M. would have your opinion. ( Cal. S.P., America & W. … p. 331.] Feb. 11. Kensington. The same, of the bill of B. Lodington, consual at Tripoli. [ Ibid. p. 334.] The king …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… Being on board La Laurett, prize of Dunkirk, taken by H.M.S. Experiment and brought into Sandwich bay, it blowing … Mr. Stepney is on his departure with the character of H.M. Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of Brandenbourg. A … printed by Dr. Japikse from the original, I. p. 218, 191 b. [ S.P. 8. 18. ff. 910.] Jan. 8. Kensington. Commissions …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… to whom they gave the same account. Then was the lord B. Hamilton sent for, who would persuade them for the honour … four Swedish subjects [named] have served some time on H.M.S. The Betty: he requests they may receive their wages. [ … with gunpowder, which he received from capt. Worrel, H.M.S. Sorlingues. The king directs that the powder be …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William and Mary, 1695
… July 2. Guernsey Road. Minutes of a Council of War held on H.M.S. Shrewsbury. Resolved that the six Dutch bomb-vessels … be Dean of Lincoln, the King having left orders for it. [ H.O. Regencies 71, p. 41.] July 3. Whitehall. Warrant to … at us from the Quince Rock, from the greater and lesser B's, and from Fort Royal and Point D'Ambour, very furiously. …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
… to us. [ S.P. Dom. Naval 5, No. 18. iii.] (4) Captain B. Beaumont's account of Nesmond's squadron [ July, 1696]. On …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: William III
Displaying 4741 - 4750 of 4795