
Displaying 21 - 30 of 41234
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… nephews, for their possessions and things in England. July 29. Westminster. Safe-conduct for S. duke of Norway, going on … by letters directed to the prior and convent. Aug. 29. Hereford. Royal assent to the election of Ralph de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… and they are to be intendant to him as sheriff. May 29. Gloucester. Appointment, during pleasure, of Henry son of … to that of the manor of Devizes and the castle. May 29. Gloucester. Promise to persons lending money to the sum … for Master Simon, the king's cook. By G. de Craucumbe. May 29. Gloucester. The like for Fulk de Muntgumery for such time …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to the Cistercian chapter. By W. bishop of Carlisle. Aug. 29. Guildford. Exemption for life of Agatha de Cockefeld from … the same words a mandate was sent to P. de Ryvallis. Aug. 29. Guildford. Mandate to M. son of Gerold, justiciary of … and chirograph of the receipts and mises as above. Aug. 29. Guildford. Exemption for life of John son of William son …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the possessions of that priory in his bailiwick. Nov. 29. Westminster. The abbot of St. Alban's has letters … coming to court. Protection, until then, for him. Dec. 29. Marwell. Dec. 27. Marwell. The like, for three years from … for his wines taken at sea by the king's bailiffs. Dec. 29. Marwell. Licence, until Midsummer, 21 Henry III, for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… may be made of the said prisoners. MEMBRANE 4 d. Aug. 29. Northampton. Appointment of William de Insula, John de … to the office of the king's mint of Canterbury. [Aug. 29. Northampton] Mandate to Richard de Levinton, Peter de … were sold. Mandate to the sheriff to summon a jury. [Aug.] 29. Northampton. To the barons of the Cinque Ports. The king …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… England in safety with merchandise to trade there. March 29. Woodstock. Grant for life to James Huse, king's yeoman, … accordingly to H. de Trublevill, seneschal of Gascony. May 29. Marwell. Bond to pay the messenger of the countess of … of Oxford of murage for three years from Michaelmas. June 29. Woodstock. The like to the good men of Gloucester, for …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… 13, 12 21 HENRY III. MEMBRANE 13. Oct. 19 [ rectius 29]. Westminster. Mandate to the guardian of the abbey of … office of the goshawks ( in officio austurcar[ ie]). Nov. 29. Woodstock. Licence for Joan late the wife of Thomas de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… will dispose of nothing thereof without his counsel. Nov. 29. Faversham. Notification that whereas the king required of …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… for Walter de Kirkeham, so long as he be beyond seas. Jan. 29. Westminster. Ratification and confirmation under the … master cannot at present be made in the hospital. May 29. Westminster. Royal assent to the election of Alice, … all of the county to be intendant to him as sheriff. May 29. Westminster. Safe-conduct, until the Nativity of the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… of the land and heir of Robert son of Walter. April 29. Reading. To the mayor and reeves of Oxford. The king is … commanded to let them have carriage and safe conduct. July 29. Farnham. Presentation of Michael de Reynivill to the … hands ; directed to the dean and chapter of Cashel. July 29. Sutton. Mandate to Aaron and Leo, Jews of York, Benedict …
Displaying 21 - 30 of 41234