
Displaying 131 - 140 of 50518
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to Simon le Paumer of a messuage in Norwich in Conesford Street. Protection until Christmas for Henry de Sancto Mauro, … Alan de Mattefeld for the death of William son of Alan de West Hertneyton; as it appears by inquisition made by R. de …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… by the hands of the bailiffs of Cokeham and Bray from the farm of those manors. Protection for one year, at the … to Edward the king's son, of 20 l. a year from the farm of the town of Cestreton, co. Cambridge, which the prior … and good men of York, in aid of the enclosing of the street called Walmegate adjoining the said city and for the …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… John de Greyly, seneschal of Gascony, has granted at farm or cense by letters patent to William [Gill'o in the … without Oxford of 19 l. 15 s. 5 d. a year from the farm of the town of Oxford, for their maintenance and of 65 … he may make an alley or ambulatory over ( ultra) the street of St. Nicholas, London, as far as the said church, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Middelton, to be intendant to the said Stephen, as to the farm of the said hundred, for the munition of the castle, as … of Kent to be intendant to the said Stephen as to the farm of the county for the munition of the said castle. …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… to be assigned to the bailiffs of the said city to pay the farm of the said city to the king; and also that the custom … the bridge of Lincoln are to be assigned to pay the said farm; the mayors and others of the city, in times past, by …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… confirmation for holding certain manors of John Peyvre at farm. Simple protection for one year for Renerus le Wympler. … the middle of the said hospital and so cross the great street without the said gate transversely as far as the soil … bailiwick of the bedelry of the county of Somerset, on the west side of the Perette, to wit, to make summonses, …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Kent, Bedford, Gloucester, Hereford and Surrey, to hold at farm during the king's pleasure; the king, accepting this, grants that he hold the said honours at farm accordingly until Michaelmas and for two years … the lands which he holds in chief he may pledge and let to farm land to the amount of 100 l. a year for five years in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… Robert, has granted to the said Henry 20 l. a year of the farm of the king's town of Andovre until he provide for him … town; by Geoffrey de Chaufcumb of a messuage in the same street; by Peter Richeman of a messuage in the same street; by Adam Gurdun of a messuage in the High Street ( in …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… they shall be quit for the said time and year of the said farm of 50 l., so that the king shall not be able to exact …
Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III
… value as soon as possible. Whereas for arrears of the farm of the town of Dunwich and other causes the king has … be ordained two of the more lawful burgesses in every street ( vico), sworn before the mayor and bailiffs, the … during pleasure to Robert de Estre of the bailiwick of the West Riding, so that he answer for the issues at the …
Displaying 131 - 140 of 50518