
Displaying 22581 - 22590 of 22902
Statutes of the Realm
… of Martha Johnson and others. Saving unto Martha Johnson Widow Thomas Johnson & John Johnsons Sons of the said Martha …
Statutes of the Realm
… mentioned during One Year as aforesaid And no Gentleman Widow or unmarryed Woman not having such Estates respectively …
William III, 1698-9: An Act for the Explanation and better Execution of former Acts made touching Watermen and Wherrymen rowing on the River of Thames and for the better ordering and governing the said Watermen Wherrymen and Lightermen upon the said River between Gravesend and Windsor. [Chapter XXI. Rot. Parl. 11 Gul. III.p.3.n. 12.]
Statutes of the Realm
Displaying 22581 - 22590 of 22902