
Displaying 151 - 160 of 171
Middlesex county records
… Bridge 1 41. Westburne-in-the parish of Paddington 1 42. Willesdon 3 43. Kensington 3 44. Greys-Inne-Lane 1 45. …
Middlesex county records
… Fulham 20 Hammersmithe 20 Eelinge 25 Cheswicke 16 Acton 16 Willesdon 30 Hampsteade 12 St. Katherin's 48 Estsmithfeild 40 …
London Assize of Nuisance, 1301-1431: A Calendar
… William Lyncolne, John Seymore, John Vyne, mercer, William Willesdon and John Toller, parishioners, dug a ditch …
London Assize of Nuisance, 1301-1431: A Calendar
… that Thomas, parson of St. Michael de Bassyeshawe, William Willesdon and John Sandon, parishioners, have built a stile …
A History of the County of Bedford
… clerk of the kitchen of King Henry VI, and Bartholomew Willesdon held land in Barton from the king at a yearly rent …
Calendar of Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
… and prebends of St Martin in Lincoln, value 10 marks, and Willesdon in London, value 6 marks, and a prebend of All …
Calendar of the plea and memoranda rolls of the city of London
… Hugyn. Bradstret, William Wodehous, Adam Karlill, Richard Willesdon, Beneit Cornewaille. Aldrichesgate, Thomas Reynham, … Chedder, Richard Guy, John Vyne, Thomas Everard, William Willesdon and John Toke, as men accustomed to speak …
Calendar of the plea and memoranda rolls of the city of London
… Karlill, grocer, Edmund Hoddesdon, mercer, and Richard Willesdon, chandler. John Clee, Thomas Barton, Benedict …
Calendar of the plea and memoranda rolls of the city of London
… Alice, sister of the said Sara and daughter of William Willesdon. After interpleader, judgment was given for William …
Registrum Statutorum et Consuetudinum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Sancti Pauli Londiniensis
… Sancti Egidii Quemadmodum c solidos Brouneswode in Willesdon Deus, judicium tuum Regi da v marcas Roggemere in … vir qui timet Dominum v marcas et dimidium Nesdon in Willesdon Domine, ne in furore, j lxij solidos Neuton …
Displaying 151 - 160 of 171