
Displaying 13661 - 13670 of 84288
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… in Ospreng, extended at 12 s. 6 d. yearly. Thomas son of William de Deen for 1 fees in Thrulegh and Borstal, extended …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… year and a day, that John held them of the abbot and that William de Northo, sometime escheator in that county, had the … treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge William de Hartlay and Ralph le Alblaster, son and heir of … 4 June in the 4th year of the reign the king committed to William the custody of a messuage and four bovates of land in …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… miniver and two furs of 'bissh' for Christmas to each of William Scot, William de Thorp, William Bassett, Roger de Baukwell, … the king that whereas they lately came near the town of St. Matthieu, in Brittany, with the said ship laden with 40 …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… and the present kings, is sent to the abbot and convent of St. Mary's, York, to receive such maintenance in that house … grant by Salamon de Wenlock, fishmonger of London, to Sir William de Langeford, knight, of a yearly rent of 5 marks to … he had of the gift and enfeoffment of the said Sir William. Witnesses: John de Dyngelee, John de Pelham, then …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… Cook, keeper of the great wardrobe. Order to deliver to William de Thorp, William Basset, Roger de Baukwell, justices of the Bench, … used to be paid of that town to the abbot and convent of St. Mary de Cormell[iis] in Normandy or to their proctors, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… before them for tenements in Toturnowe and Eyton against William Peterouge, the king's yeoman, and others contained in the original writ, while William remains in the king's service in parts beyond the sea … made upon the master and brethren of the hospital of St. Mary, Ospreng, for that aid, as the king granted by …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of William de Whatele, who is so sick and broken by age that he … cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of William de Corpsty, deceased. April 10. Westminster. Thomas … make upon Walter de Harpham, master of the hospital of St. Mary without Boutham bar in the city of York for 100 s. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… knight, to Sir John de Molyns and Gile, his wife, and to William their son and to John's heirs of all her right and … Thomas atte Hull. Dated at Wendovere on Tuesday after St. Gregory, 22 Edward III. French. Memorandum that Isabel … Westminster. Thomas Visdeleu acknowledges that he owes to William de Clynton, earl of Huntyngdon, 20 l.; to be levied, …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of William Thurbarre, deceased. Membrane 20. April 3. … her, to wit, a fourth part of a fee in Tychemerssh, which William de Cleybruk and Elizabeth his wife hold extended at … in that county which the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England holds, to the value of 10 l. …
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III
… and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in co. Warwick. William de Berughby, clerk, received this acknowledgment by … and Master John de Harwell acknowledge that they owe to William de Rudyngton 40 marks; to be levied, in default of … Botlegh and Suggyngworth, which the master of St. Elizabeth holds, extended at 100 s. A moiety of a fee in …
Displaying 13661 - 13670 of 84288