
Displaying 31 - 40 of 891
Two London Chronicles from the Collections of John Stow
… Abbreviated in Summary, and in Survey, ii. 77. Summary with additions from Hall. Summary. Summary. Because of the … year. The whole of this paragraph appears in the Summary, with the addition of a note as to how two French and Flemish … 'Auderies'. Elsing. Summary: 'all syngynge the Letany wyth Faburden, theyr crosses, candelstyckes, and Vergerers …
Three fifteenth-century chronicles
… William FizRichard This yere the Cite of Damaske was won with Cristen men. Adam Basynge, Maire Lawrens Frowyke A. …
Three fifteenth-century chronicles
… for to make the Newe Forest; and after he was slayne with an arowe in the same forest, the xxiij yere of his … his faders disses, and after he wente into the Holy Londe with a grete oste of peple, and ther he werred upon the … Edmondis day m lccxiij. Edwardus Primus post Conquestum,; wyth the longe shankye. Aftir Kynge Henry regned his sone …
St Martin-in-the-Fields
… gathered for the Roode Lyght, Sepulcre Lyght, and Pascall Wyth other Receytes, As in pertyculer percelles here after … in order to make a bargain binding; probably in connection with the law suit on the next page, cf. also the last item … on mesne process and hold him to bail. He then serves him with a copy of the Declaration, or formal statement of his …
St Martin-in-the-Fields
… the Pewes in the Churche, Sepulcre Lyght and Pascall monye wyth other Receptes as in p'tycul' p'celes hereafter more … Charing Cross.... [is] a large plot of ground inclosed with brick, and is called Scotland" ( Stow), kept in memory … Diary, p. 399. June 13th, This day was peace proclaimed with France. There was a solemn service at St. Paul's …
St Martin-in-the-Fields
… Memorand' the sayd wardens do Charge them selves with nothynge of the wardens beynge in the rowme the laste … at the Quarter dayes for the fyrste yere of this accompte wyth the money gathered for the pewes in the Churche and … Ynglonde att that tyme, and all churches new whytte lymed with the commandmentts wryttyne on the walles." Here used of …
St Martin-in-the-Fields
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland
… all this time. The Queen is writing you a letter with her own hand, expressly that you may show it to the … depends entirely; calling him a babbler and false tattler, with divers other like indignities, as well of him as of … muche for our caus and in resone aucht to be acquentit wyth our proceedingis will tak it in evill part gif wythout …
Cardiff Records
… we haue deliberatly seyn the contents off the said bill with the graunt off the said annuyte spesified in the said … Nicholas David, Morgan ap leuan, Thomas Lewys alias Mawr, with divers other wild and misruled persons of their … dyo yorath assauted the pl' who had no wepon but his dager wyth the which he bare of dyvers strokes vntyll the …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Elizabeth, Addenda
… sought for him, but he fled immediately after the riot, with Humphrey and Mungo Musgrave, Miles Stavely, and Wm. … as having aided in the said conspiracy; they were with the rest in the consultation had in the church … their swords and bucklers? 6. What conference have you had with Fras. Dacre ? 7. Did you draw your sword in the affray, …
Displaying 31 - 40 of 891