
Displaying 1 - 10 of 70
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… and thanks to be sent, also letters to Daniel Wolters at Rotterdam and the English minister in Holland. … p 211] 56 February 12 Georgia Office Same to D[aniel] Wolters at Rotterdam. Seven persons from Augsburg will …
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies
… the 30 butts of sugar sent by the Unity, Marmaduke Wolters, Commander, well conditioned; 30 more by the Aleppo …
History Theses 1901-1970
… Indonesian commerce and the origins of S̅rvijaya. O.W. Wolters. London Ph.D. 1962. The historical geography of the …
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House
… 1609. Holograph signed: H. Brooke Endorsed: 'L. Cobham for Wolters.' 1 p. ( 127 90) Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Lord …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… me of the money now imprested and promising more. Mr. Wolters arrived Thursday afternoon with small stores. I hoped …
Calendar of Treasury books
… same time 150 0 0 Mathew Bosch; same time 25 0 0 Didrick Wolters; same time 25 0 0 William Fredrick Pape; same time 12 …
Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth
… to the Spanish ambassador's request in the behalf of John Wolters and Nicholas Hausman, Low Countrymen.' Forasmuch as … Yet it may lawfully be answered that since the said Wolters and Hausman have sought their remedy against the … the Judge of the Admiralty's answer in the matter against Wolters and Hausman. 1 p. [ Spain I. 16 bis.] 1578? 484. A …
Calendar of Home Office Papers (George III)
… of Scotland one of H.M.'s chaplains in Scotland, grant to Wolters,Mr., circular to Wood, Alexander, presentation …
Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II
… Nicholas Crispe, and Sir John Shaw, order on petition of Wolters, Mr. Wood, John, B.D., chaplain to the King, …
Calendar of Home Office Papers (George III)
… case of Wolff, Jacob, of Townhill, Esq., made a baronet Wolters, Mr., H.M.'s Agent at Rotterdam bills drawn by …
Displaying 1 - 10 of 70